We need your help assembling the best resources into one easy to access repository. Erik Boesen and I (and 8 other amazing contributors) have already got quite a few resources and libraries added, but there have been a lot of developments and awesome new projects lately which should definitely be added! If you’ve got anything to add (or maybe many things to add :)) then submit a PR or create an issue with the links so they can get added!
We’re hoping to make this a great resource for all FRC teams looking to learn something new, so any and all contributions are 100% welcome. Remember, if you think it’s awesome, it should definitely be on this list!
And then this list thats been compiled elsewhere, but hasnt been updated regularly so there may be some out of date things on it and other things that may not pertain directly to your question:
In addition to the FIRST and Compass Alliances, I’ll also throw a good word out for the Fernbank LINKS FRC Survival Guide. This has a really comprehensive guide of links to various FRC resources, enough so that I included it in the workshop I gave for AZ teams before kickoff last year.