Axis 206 Noob

Our robot is going as planned for the most part, so I tried to attach the Axis 206 camera. I have the camera powered and setup for the cRio. When I got to he default program and loaded it, I got an error for a program in a .cpp extension to read from that DOES NOT EXIST! I have gone to this thread in he of finding help, but I got even more confused!

So if anyone can help me, that will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advanced and Happy Competitions!

P.S. if I was vague or have misconceptions, please feel free to be as crucially-correct as possible!!!:]

What’s the error?

I can’t remember, but when I get back from today’s meeting, I will post it.

What was the error?

Can’t do too much without that :slight_smile:

Sorry for the wait. Here is the error on Netbeans:

ERROR: S_errno_ECONNREFUSED (0x0000003D): Failed to connect to the camera …in CreateCameraSocket() in C:/WindRiver/workspace/WPILib/Vision/AxisCameraParams.cpp at line 457

What is this and what do I do? By the way, this is from default program with little camera programming knowledge.

ANYTHING is helpful so be a crucial as needed.

Thanks again in advanced!

By the way, the camera was connected to the second Ethernet port on the cRio I with a default Gateway on the Classmate as

I forgot what gave me, but it was probably still the error message in my previous post still.

ERROR: S_errno_ECONNREFUSED (0x0000003D): Failed to connect to the camera …in CreateCameraSocket() in C:/WindRiver/workspace/WPILib/Vision/AxisCameraParams.cpp at line 457

He this info helps!:]

Default gateway should be .4 if using a wireless router. Make sure the camera is set up to be in its own config, too

Connect the camera through the bridge instead of the cRIO.
I still get errors like that in the first few seconds that the camera is starting up.

I got live feed to the dashboard thru the bridge and it is reading. I tried running the test and tracker programs. One of the programs was reading how many seconds to get 100 images and after a few times, it got nothing, I am not sure if it was because the targets were not there or not. I don’t really now what to do now or how the camera code works. I did get the concept by this thread:


I don’t really know how to change code or what to look for. Any help will be appreciated!

Thanks in advanced and Happy Competitions!

Is it recommended to have a stationary Axis camera? (advantage and disadvantage)
How does the Axis camera servos work, where is the plugin and how does the tracker move them?

I don’t fully understand the camera code, but I found a thread that helped me understand the full concept of the camera. But after that, I don’t know what to implement or how to implement code on java to track a target or manipulate for what I need.

I got the camera to connect, but I don’t know how to detect if it is tracking. I used the cameratest and trackerdemo in java and I saw in one of the programs showed the time per 100 images for a few times and then refused to see anything and gave no images at every activation while the code was running and the cRIO was on. It resets after a recompiling or power cycle.

How can I attach a ring of LEDs around the camera and how do I power it. I have electronics experience, but I do not know how to implement it on the FIRST electronics and how many LEDs are required?

Thank you in advanced for your help!

Desperation bump:eek:

Although I don’t know all the specifics, our team got a 12-LED (or about that) LED ring and attached it around the camera lens with some double-sided foam tape.

I’m really not sure what you mean by “Axis camera servos.” The cameras have mounts, and no motorized parts. Theoretically you could mount one on a servo and have a variable angle camera, but it’s not an inherent part of the design.

I would not suggest a moving camera, if only because calculations that would normally have constants would have variables that would need to be updated or retrieved somehow, which means more complexity.

Cameras don’t inherently track targets - they are stupid, and can only provide images. You the programmer are responsible for making the cRIO be the smarts. Your issue with the camera test crashing sounds like a memory leak (not freeing memory it should be). I ran into an almost identical issue with my tracking code during early testing.

I explained the theory behind tracking targets with the camera fairly extensively in this thread, and once I have the new, simplified version of my code tested (which will happen tomorrow), I will be posting it so that all may benefit.