AXIS 206 Stops Working Over Night

Odd issue I’m running into. I configure the camera per the directions and hook it up and it works wonderfully. I can see it in the dashboard and acquire images from it. I can reboot or turn the robot off briefly and when it powers back on everything is still fine.

The issue is when I come in the next day the camera no longer works and just shows the amber ring lights. I can reconfigure the camera and it starts working again for the rest of the meeting but every day I have to go through the same procedure.

Any ideas?

Are you using the camera setup utility from the Utilities update 2.0? It was released last week and is supposed to solve an issue where the Axis 206 camera lost it’s configuration.

Thanks. I had read that update, downloaded the software, unzipped it but apparently never installed it. It’s always the small things…

Glad you go that fixed. I was going to suggest that you just not leave, and it should stay working…