Axis Camera causing lag?

Hello, everyone. We’re experiencing an issue that whenever the camera is successfully connected to the robot (either to the bridge or the cRIO), it seems to be causing lag, where the controls are jumpy and unpredictable. However, when we unplug the camera from its port, the robot immediately begins behaving as expected. Any suggestions? Thanks.

A few details that may make a difference:
-We are using the Axis Camera 206.
-We have an 8-slot cRIO.
-We have implemented the Rectangular Target Processing VI into our Vision Processing.
-The program works just fine when the camera is not plugged in.
-I was not able to change the FPS in time before leaving the shop, in case that has anything to do with it.
-I have already tried putting the camera in the lowest possible resolution.

The camera or anything else CPU intensive can interfere with the drive code. If the Safety mechanisms are on, the interference causes the Diagnostic messages and setting the motors to zero. If it is disabled, the motors will keep their old value and overshoot where the driver intended to go.

Please check the camera settings and report back what they are. Also look at the Charts tab and notice the difference between vision on and off. It may also be worth thinking about when the vision code should run – all the time, or when you need it.

Greg McKaskle