Hey guys!
We have tried setting up the live camera feed with the Axis M1013.
Every time we get this error on the DS:
ERROR -44003 occurred at WPI_CameraIssue HTTP Request with Authentication.vi>>WPI_CameraIssue Get.vi>>WPI_CameraSet Image Appearance Property.vi>>WPI_CameraSet Image Size.vi>>Vision Processing.vi>>Robot Main.vi
FRC: Operation failed due to a communication failure with the camera.
I used the radio and camera configuration tools and flipped the radio button in the vision processing according to which kind of camera I was using. The camera webpage shows up in the browser at our IP address: but I can’t change settings without configuring a root password or certificate.
My team had the same problem with an axis camera. We could connect through the browser, but the video did not show up on the dashboard, no matter which option was selected (I assume it is supposed to be “IP camera” though?).
Make sure you have the DHCP server running on the computer, that should give the camera an ip of 10.xx.yy.(ip in dhcp range) Then you can login as root and set a static IP and use that IP as address for the camera in your code.
I assume you didn’t make the user account FRC with the password FRC.
If you log onto the camera and make that account it should work, if not try enabling anonymous viewing and see if that helps.
The Camera config utility automatically sets up the camera with user/pass: frc and anon viewing enabled. I was able to login to the camera’s web server and view the feed, but the DS is still giving that error.
First, try to connect to the camera using axis-camera.local as the web URL. If this doesn’t work, which seems to occur more often with M1011 and 206, you may need to change the DNS name using the camera web page.
Also, be sure to run the robot code while doing your test. The DB uses the robot IP and camera IP info that comes from the DS via the code. If you are running the DB from template code you can probe the value and see what IP address it is using for the camera.