Axis Camera MDNS Name

So, our team had some issues with programming the Axis Camera with an IP address. We decided to use the DHCP setting that automatically retrieves an IP for the camera, and it turned out to be much more complicated than it should have been. I decided to post instructions on how to do it for future reference as well as to make it much easier for other teams with the same problem. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.

Configuring AXIS Camera to obtain host names via DHCP
Gillian McGinnis, Team 1967
Version 1.0 Authored March 28, 2015
You must complete all of these steps in order, otherwise it will not work.

Before you start, reset your camera to factory settings (these steps can be found in the manual)

1. Connecting (applies to all steps)
   1. Connect the camera as well as your computer via ethernet cable to configured (and connected to RoboRio) D-Link
   2. Connect camera to power source
   1. Set ethernet cable IP address to on the computer
   2. On the computer, enter the IP address of the camera into the website bar to view the live feed
      1. Since the camera is on factory settings, the IP will be
   1. System Options → Network → TCP/IP → Basic
   2. Under “IP Address Configuration”
   3. Click “Obtain IP address via DHCP”
   4. On the computer, set ethernet cable IP to obtain via DHCP
1. Naming the Camera
   1. In the configuration menu
      1. Setup → System Options → Network → TCP/IP → Advanced
      2. Under “Host Name Configuration”, click “Use host name:” and enter desired camera name
         1. It is advised to give your camera a unique name to your own team so as not to interfere with other teams’ codes (i.e. include your team number in it)
   1. In Bonjour
      1. Setup → System Options → Network → TCP/IP → Bonjour
      2. Enter the same desired camera name
1. Optional, Mac only: Testing the camera name via dns-sd -q (You still must be connected to RoboRio)
   1. On Mac
      1. Open Terminal
      2. Enter the following: dns-sd -q cameraName.local
      3. It should give you two IP addresses with cameraName.local.
1. Displaying the image on SmartDashboard (C++)
   1. Connect the computer and camera to the D-Link on your robot
      1. The camera will also need a power source
   1. Open SmartDashboard
   2. Open C++ viewer
   3. Edit → Editable
   4. Edit → Add → Simple Camera Viewer
   5. You might want to resize the image to be larger
   6. Right-click the image → IP settings
   7. Enter the IP address as cameraName.local
   8. Edit → Editable
1. Adding the hostname to your code (C++)
   1. object = new AxisCamera(“cameraName”);

```<br><br><a class='attachment' href='/uploads/default/original/3X/f/f/ff086f3fb5d2493e966c38eccf569e03e2d47cbb.txt'>2015 Axis Camera MDNS Name.txt</a> (2.26 KB)<br><br><br><a class='attachment' href='/uploads/default/original/3X/f/f/ff086f3fb5d2493e966c38eccf569e03e2d47cbb.txt'>2015 Axis Camera MDNS Name.txt</a> (2.26 KB)<br>