Axis m1011 camera

Can we use a Axis M1011 camera, as our camera that came with the kit of parts has stop working.

Yes you can. That is the recommended replacement.

If the camera stopped working but wasn’t zapped due a ground fault or smashed by the HULK, you may be able to reset it using the button on the back. You may also want to check the power before ordering another.

Greg McKaskle

You say the “recommended” replacement. Do you know of any others that work with the code? I would assume most of the similar Axis cameras would work, but would something like a D-Link or Airlink camera work? I’ve seen that there is an Axis-specific (well, named as such) initializer in the LabView code, is that only for Axis, or just to be obvious to the programmer?

Most of the IP style security cameras can be made to work as long as they produce either jpeg or mjpeg formatted images.

The Axis cameras follow a pretty consistent API, and should be pretty interchangeable. I haven’t seen anything that makes the other Axis cameras appealing within the price range for FIRST. Features such as interchangeable lens, a programmatic way to request a portion of an image, would be nice, but don’t seem to be available.

If testing a camera from another manufacturer, you’ll need to modify the http requests to match what the camera expects. This is certainly doable, probably in one day. Be sure to evaluate the camera lag. Especially on the low end, the cameras may not have HW accelerated jpeg encoding, and that can introduce quite a bit of additional lag meaning that the robot is measuring and responding to events in the past, and once the lag gets to be more than a few hundred ms, it makes it very difficult to use.

Greg McKaskle

Today we started using the M1011 with C++ and not having much luck. We set up the camera just like we did the 206 but it’s not working. Has anybody used the M1011 with C++ and gotten it working?

We are thinking about getting an Axis m1011 camera. Does anyone know whether it will fit in the pan and tilt assembly we got in the KOP?

The M1011 seems to working fine for us under C++. This thread also discussed the topic.