Back from the dead!

As we were getting ready for our FRC end of season party tonight we got a phone call from FIRST. They informed that the team ahead of us on the wait list was unable to attend and asked if we had any chance of going on short notice. After a quick lap around the shop I said yes.

We are Metal Mayhem, Team 2352, from Ada, Oklahoma. AKA team 400 at this year’s Championship.

Bringing another Full Court Shooter to Worlds:

Do you know what division you’re in? I don’t see you on
Nice, fairly accurate full-court shooting.

Looks like you’re in Newton. Welcome to the party!

Congrats! See you soon!

Thanks we’re ecstatic to be going. That wasn’t our best full court shooting match, just the one that we ended up with the best video of. If you have floor pickup though, we just left you a buffet. We also built a new platform to raise our shooter up to 60 inches.

Welcome to Newton!!!

We got the call yesterday. Wowsers is there a lot to figure out in a short time. Good luck with your logistics!


Just out of curiosity did you have you robot bagged since your last competition?

Amazingly we did, the dream was still alive. We were going to take it out later that day for team pictures but we got the call in the morning.