Bacon Academy Website

Bacon Academy Robocats is entering its 5th year. We’d like to know what other teams think of our website. (Note: there is a forum button, the forum is not quite done yet. Will be available soon.):slight_smile:

I think it is excellent, but that is all I can tell you without a link.

Sorry, i forgot to say, our website address is (woops):ahh:

Visual Response
-Quick to load
-Easy to use design
-Clean and compact

-Optimize the images to make them smaller in data size
-Make the background a color other than white
-Keep all design images (menu buttons, title images, etc) included in a background image. This way, when people select your entire site, only the text is highlighted. It’s also neater markup.
-Add Javascript effects to those links.

Technical Response
-Well labled, well indented
-Essentially valid markup
-Consistent style
-Fairly good use of CSS to replace attributes


  • Use DIVs instead of tables to align content in your page. You can probably shave half the HTML from your site with this method
  • Move the script at the beginning of the page inside the HEAD section
  • Remotely link all scripts, if possible
  • Set it up to validate with the W3 checker (XHTML strict, preferably)
  • The date can easily be generated with ASP, so don’t use Javascript

Content Response
-Easy to get basic information
-Nice calendar design with popup info
-Good job including basic team info on front page

-Set up the forums
-Make thumbnails for the image gallery
-Add more info about individual players
-Add more information about the team in general… a history, quotes, involvement in the community, etc

Overall, if I were to judge this site competitively today, I would give it a 6/10. Considering that your not finished, this is actually fairly high (it’s probably better now than most of the finished sites will be). Keep up the good work!

The forum is now up!!! All teams can join in the fun.:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Ganz gut, herr robocoatswebcrew. Now set it up so you can see the whole site menu on top of the forum (not just the logo) and you get a golden cookie.

Thanks for the tip. Just got done today.:slight_smile:

All teams are welcome to post in our forum. Please feel free to post anything robotics related in it.:]