Bad Dream

I had a dream last night that kickoff was this morning and the game was Lunacy with a hanging element and mini bots. I am not sure how the game worked but all those elements were there. It was scary

Time to build a regolith drive base with a minibot and deployer mechanism and set up a field to train your human player with!

Thank holy cows!!! it was not water game, all our nuts & bolts would have rusted then!

Last year our robot played in water at MakerFaire Detroit (rainy day) and in a week’s time the steel bolts (black oxide with oil) used for wheels started rusting!

In 2012 we had steel gears we laser-cut from sheet metal and layered to reduce the fisher price motors to drive our shooter.

Just going to the Bayou Regional (from Dallas), and back, all of our spares (And ones on board) rusted from the humidity. Took a while with a wire brush and some vinegar to clean them up

Sometime last week I had a dream where it was indeed a water game. There was a clear plastic vertical pipe about 8 inches in diameter set on the field. The pipe had a floating ball in it and was filled part way with water. Elsewhere on the field was set a number of different valves which could be turned to adjust the level of water in the pipe. That’s all I remember but presumably there would be different point values for different positions of the ball in the pipe.

I remember that I was kinda freaking out “THIS IS THE WATER GAME” style while in my dream.

I had a pair? of dreams last night where we competed in elims (either at MSC or CMP, which we didn’t) and that we were receiving a Chairman’s award since the team that won it did not accept it (even though we didn’t make a submission).

Not bad, but definitely weird.

Funny, a few days ago I was watching (dreaming) breakaway but human players played on the field with the robots… and we shipped our robot with the springs fully tensioned which was the worst part!:eek:

Its not too bad, I had a bad dream before Suffield Shakedown that our robot was doing very well and then exploded on the field. Yup… Glad that didnt happen:yikes: :eek: :ahh: :stuck_out_tongue: