Bad DVD in early ship control system KOP

My upfront apologies to those who read the CD and usfirst forums diligently; I wanted to get the word and request for assistance out to a wide audience, so this same post is on usfirst forums:

Our team recently spent a frustratingly long amount of time trying to get the cRIO updater to operate as expected after installing the FRCLabview1.0 update onto the downloaded version of 8.5.1 (and yes I know I’ll get yelled at for not searching properly). There were a couple threads that said the update can only be applied to the DVD version included in the KOP and not the early release of 8.5.1. I know better now, but it is still confusing and I think should be referenced in the Update download page (see NI thread

So onto my next conflict: DVD disc 1 we received in the KOP was completely blank; not damaged, but blank. I tried it on a few different PCs but with the same result. Disc 2 seems OK, but I cannot tell for sure. So now our plans for turkey day bot programming are shot. We are stuck until FIRST can send me a new DVD set.

Basically, is it wrong to ask the FIRST community at large if a willing team that has received the early control system KOP if they could host the DVD software on an FTP site? I definitely don’t want to make the wrong (or right for that matter) people mad. If there is a willing team out there who could help us out, we would be indebted.

57 actually got a blank #2 DVD, but luckily, I had an extra set from attending a training seminar at NI. It looks like this isn’t going to be terribly rare, but I think hosting the image on an FTP server is a bad idea. If FIRST wanted to distribute the DVDs this way, they’d be doing it. They’re giving us unlimited seat licenses for FRC specific use, but other people out there aren’t likely to have our scruples. So I think you’re probably stuck waiting.

That said, it might be wise for teams picking up their kits at local kickoffs to check their DVDs before you leave. I don’t think you even need a laptop. These are DVD-Rs; if they’ve been written to, there’s a rather distinct ring on the underside where the reflection is different. My blank DVD was very obviously so. In fact, it was still writable, so I just copied my spare #2 DVD onto it.

I agree with your hesitancy on the FTP hosting; I just hope that not posting the download is done for a good reason and not just an oversight. Without sounding like a whiner, we had some big plans over the next few days, and it all comes derailed by a small piece of foiled plastic. Welcome to the real world, huh?

I think that FIRST should post images of the two DVDs for the teams that were unable to receive the Early Control System Shipment. They could send out a Username/Password to teams in an email blast, preventing others from gaining access. They also don’t seem to worried about preventing others from getting LabVIEW because they posted a serial and download link on their site.

Uggh - I wouldn’t want to have to FTP those two files to all those teams. I think they should BitTorrent it instead.

That would be fine with me :slight_smile:

Honestly, FIRST should just set up a private tracker and distribute all their material though it. Game manuals, KoP software, promotional videos, etc.

It takes a ton of load off their server, helps us as users get the material quicker, and gives the community the chance to share lots of rare or hard to find files (such as VHS rips from FIRST events back in the 1990s, or full 1080p match video, etc).

Unfortunately, I think that idea would be one for the “No Way that’s Gonna Happen” thread.

I am going to look into how we can address these types of issues on our (NI’s) end.


I spoke with our developers today, and they said if you received a bad DVD you need to contact FIRST and see if they can ship you new set of DVDs. All of the DVDs we manufactured last month have already been sent to FIRST.