Bad Weather Affecting Teams

Greetings Teams,

We have had some very severe winter weather since kickoff–totally affecting our time to work on the robot. Many Oklahoma teams are without electricity. Our state has been declared a disaster by the President.

I was wondering how all other teams were being affected in Oklahoma or other states. Please share your stories.

Good luck, and stay warm and safe! Get those robots built!:rolleyes:

Other than freezing (literally–it was at 26 degrees Farenheit on Saturday night/Sunday morning), no real problems yet. The rainy season is more wind than rain this year. Of course, this is Southern California I’m talking about…

Up here in Michigan, we get the kind of weather the southern states get all the time. Needless to say we’re used to it. :rolleyes:

You guys think 20s is cold? Pff, thats nothing, try -15! THATS cold! :yikes:

I live in Washington and my team missed 3 days in the past week due to snow and ice. I think it’s starting to clear up though. Good luck working around your weather troubles.

I am sorry you are having problems… with such a short build time, it can defiantly affect your bot. Luckily here in VA it’s been very warm except the past few days have gotten a little colder.

Good Luck!

Ha It’s been between 10 and 15 degrees in Chicago for the past couple of days. :ahh: Now thats cold.

In Texas we don’t know what to make of it, it’s been so long since I’ve seen ice in my front lawn.

As far as FIRST goes, our team hasn’t been able to meet at all this week, but we’ve tried to make the best of it. We’ve been reading over the rules, talking through AIM and email, and CADDing what we can. It’s also provided us with a good opportunity to make a schedule for each sub team, so when we get back to the shop we should be working at full speed. I know we’ve also been encouraged by our coach to get ahead with school, but I somewhat doubt anybody has actually done that.

Sorry to hear about the severe conditions you guys are facing, the only thing I can think of that you could do is plan out everything. Make painfully detailed agendas so when you do get back into the shop everybody has something to do, and everybody realizes how much has to be done. It’s also a good time to work on the Chairman’s Award.

A lack of time isn’t exactly unfamiliar to FIRST teams, but I wish the best of luck to all the teams suffering from these weather conditions.

Being in New England, and being in the typical Nor’Easter target range, we typically get at least one blizzard each season that stops our build season for a single day and no more. I’m actually disappointed about our lack of snow this season, so I covered most of my front yard with about an inch of snow with my snowgun after school today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Snow or no snow, the robot build season must go on!

We had a very unusual kickoff for us here in New Hampshire. We had mid 60s. It was so warm we kept the classroom door open to the back of the school! Those days are gone now.

The other day we got the sleet everyone else got. Knocked out power for many here in town, including my street. I was out for about 30 hours and ran my house on a generator. Team was cancelled for one day only. One day makes a huge difference in this very tight build schedule. I hope those of you who were/are impacted more can recover enough to still have a pleasant experience from this! Good luck to you all.


Yes it has affected us this week, ice covered road and the students have midterms.

That’s nothing, we had 23 degrees fahrenheit today…negative 23…my headphone wires actually froze.

A few years ago some freak blizzards made FIRST extend the deadline for all teams in the affected area, maybe they’ll do it again?

The weather is just great, the problem is no Brazilian team got their kits yet… :confused:

Up here in Washington we have been having comparatively crappy weather. I say comparatively as it is really not that bad if you are a mid-west/New England team. But over here, just about any snow shuts down schools. We have lost more then half our build days so far because if the school is closed for snow they forbid access.

A know a lot of teams are hurting, but I really do not see FIRST doing anything about it.

Pacific North West, specifically Tacoma.
4 days of school missed , finals pushed out, days we had scheduled as off (like the day before the last weekend) are now scheduled school days.

It is a drag, before I was reminded by administration that when school is cancelled no activities could occur we met for some of those days.
Where else will you get students calling teachers at 9AM to ask when they can go to school and work on the robot? FIRST has something going right :slight_smile:

Yeah… but we are here in southern california. I can see the beach from my house and it has been up to 80 within the last few weeks… There was ice at our shop over the weekend. ICE!!! that is crazy… it barely even rains…

Well we are out here in the desert in Southern California and the past few days it has been warming up. Tonight it got up to about 30 Farenheit I think. Anyway over the weekend our record “lows” caused water pipes to burst around part of the school. I guess they got them fixed because it didn’t affect class. The only thing is is that we had a pond outside of the classroom we use. One of our supporters got his car stuck in the mud but we got him out. Other than that we haven’t been too badly affected. Good luck to those in the really bad conditions.

ya, up here in washington we missed 4 days of school and had basically a 7 day weekend. When we get a little snow like the other guys said it turns to ice and then we cant have school or go to robotics. Out of those 7 days i think we worked 3. Now we are really grinding it out and trying to catch up. Good luck to all teams.

Zach Wydick
Aviation High School Robotics
Team #1983 President

This last monday we had a sort of an ice storm down here in NY. We had to cancel our meeting on monday but other than that we are still doing pretty well…

We finally got a dose in South Carolina today. The University of South Carolina isn’t opening until 10:00 AM, which means I get out of two classes today! Wooooooooooooo!

I wonder if that applies to food, too…

Surprisingly enough, the weather has been just fine up here in Maine.
We didn’t see any winter weather until last weekend (just a little ice and sleet, canceled a leadership meeting, that’s all) And now we just have a deep freeze without any precipitation.
(For those of you in southern climates, don’t feel obliged to complain about the cold weather that you’re having…It’s not really cold 'till it drops below zero, plus a wind chill…)