Robot Specifications:
-West Coast Drive style 6 wheel drive with 8" pneumatic wheels
-VexPro 3 CIM ballshifters (currently with 2 CIMs each) with 2.65x reduction spread.
-“Real Life” speed of 5.76 ft/sec in low gear and 15.24 ft/sec in high
-Front wheel is raised 1/4" to reduce turning scrub
-actuated up/down via two BAG motors (one per side) through a 150:1 gear reduction
-Counterforce springs are used to take stress off of motors
-PID controlled setpoints for pickup, obstacles, resting, etc
-multi-directional intake
-Utilizes 3/16" round clear urethane belting
-Polyurethane tubing on corners to minimize the “dead zone”
-powered by one BAG motor through 9:1 versaplanetary and one AM 9015 motor through 27:1 versaplanetary
-Used to push down the CDF and lift the Portcullis
-Indexer takes ball from intake and stores it until ready for shooting
-Shooter powered by one Mini-CIM geared up 24:18 (ability to switch out ratios if we need to)
-Shooting wheels are the Blue AM Stealth wheels, 4", spaced apart to reduce compression
-Whole shooter is on a turret with 200 degrees of rotation
-Turret “hood” can be adjusted to any angle to shoot from anywhere in the courtyard
-Automatic vision tracking enables turret to lock on to the goal, and then adjust hood to the right angle
We can cross the low bar, and A, B, and D defenses, as well as consistently score 20 points in autonomous.
See you at the Wisconsin regional, and hopefully at Champs! Good luck to all in Stronghold.