BadgerBOTS Team 1306 Presents our 2016 Robot: Nautilus

Robot Specifications:

-West Coast Drive style 6 wheel drive with 8" pneumatic wheels
-VexPro 3 CIM ballshifters (currently with 2 CIMs each) with 2.65x reduction spread.
-“Real Life” speed of 5.76 ft/sec in low gear and 15.24 ft/sec in high
-Front wheel is raised 1/4" to reduce turning scrub

-actuated up/down via two BAG motors (one per side) through a 150:1 gear reduction
-Counterforce springs are used to take stress off of motors
-PID controlled setpoints for pickup, obstacles, resting, etc
-multi-directional intake
-Utilizes 3/16" round clear urethane belting
-Polyurethane tubing on corners to minimize the “dead zone”
-powered by one BAG motor through 9:1 versaplanetary and one AM 9015 motor through 27:1 versaplanetary
-Used to push down the CDF and lift the Portcullis

-Indexer takes ball from intake and stores it until ready for shooting
-Shooter powered by one Mini-CIM geared up 24:18 (ability to switch out ratios if we need to)
-Shooting wheels are the Blue AM Stealth wheels, 4", spaced apart to reduce compression
-Whole shooter is on a turret with 200 degrees of rotation
-Turret “hood” can be adjusted to any angle to shoot from anywhere in the courtyard
-Automatic vision tracking enables turret to lock on to the goal, and then adjust hood to the right angle

We can cross the low bar, and A, B, and D defenses, as well as consistently score 20 points in autonomous.

See you at the Wisconsin regional, and hopefully at Champs! Good luck to all in Stronghold.

This is a beautiful machine, love the work on the titular shooter hood.

Do you plan on using the unconnected ultrasonic sensor at bottom right?

Thank you! No, our programmers wanted us to reserve space for the ultrasonic sensors, but we didn’t end up having time to implement them. We actually have one on either side of the bot, with the idea being to square up really neatly to category C defenses or the tower.