Beatty had quite a lot of troubles at WMR this being one of them but don’t neccesairly really on this to win in nationals because you can bet that they will have the grunt their problems fixed by then. From what I could tell and heard from a couple of the beatty members/engineers in many matches they were being just so slightly picked up and in others they were never able to grab all 3 goals due to broken grippers which makes them much more volnurable. Beatty is still a force to be reakoned with in no way underestimate the power of the beast. However, I don’t know about being unbeatable.
At the Great Lakes Regional, Beatty wasn’t unbeatable. We were the first to turn them, but we were surprised at how many did it after we showed everyone their weakness. However, when we rammed them with the goal and dragged them around we did screw up their grabbers and that may have affected the outcome. It will be interesting to see how they will change their robot for Nationals and it will also be interesting to see what is considered acceptable carpet damage there. The rules state that buckling the carpet is damage to it, and when Beatty gets turned the carpet puckers up two or three inches.