Is it a violation of the rule permitting you to remove the robot from the bag except for showing it off to shoot a reveal video? The video serves as something to show sponsors and other teams, so I feel that it would satisfy the requirements, but the need to “play the game” feels dangerously close to practicing with the robot. Also, if the team were to manually activate pneumatics that are not currently hooked up to the pdp manually, is that considered working on the robot?
I’d consider anything where the physical state of the robot changes after the unbag to be “working on the robot”. Don’t do that.
As to the reveal video, there was another thread earlier that talked about this. Opinions are pretty split, but imo, it’s better to be safe and err on the side of caution. I wouldn’t unbag.
I Cannot answer all these questions for sure but if you do demo the robot a member of your drive team cannot drive the unbagged robot
I’d go even further - no one from your team should be there. The info you can get about how it drives and manuevers is pretty valuable. In fact, if you do decide to unbag, I’d just let it sit there and not move.
I’d take a look at R19Giii, and its blue box.
Yes, you can drive, briefly. The suggestion from FIRST is to use non-main drivers and only short periods of time.
It might be perfectly legal, but most teams did their video shoot before bag day or on bag day. You might want to just skip the reveal video this year so there is no debate about legality.
Agreed. No reason to chance it. Enjoy the fact that you have a working robot in a bag - many teams don’t have that.
Good Luck this season!