Bag, Bagging, In The Bag Terms from Michigan Teams

What are these? What do they look like and how does it work? Does anyone have any photos of the bagging day and how you guys handle the robot while in the bag?

I know, curiosity is a dangerous thing but I’m very interested in this. It’s the little details that make me happy.
Thanks in advance.


I don’t have a picture of the actual bag (we put our robot in the bag on Saturday because the school would be closed this week for mid-winter break) but i can contact members of our team and try to find a picture of it.

Basically it is a huge clear plastic bag, almost like a giant garbage bag. It is a little wider then the 38 by 28 footprint of the robot and extends past the maximum height of the robot by about two feet or so. you place a numbered zip tie on top and have to have a third party sign off on it that it is in the bag.

I will try to get a picture and post one.



Rules about the Michigan Lockup can be found here:

We were thinking of throwing in some scrap metal,hacksaw,rivet gun and attaching some gloves to the inside of the bag. Sorta like a incubator or a bot in a bubble.:slight_smile:

I wondered about that…

I posted pictures and stories on my blog last night.

So…why do you guys bag your robots? :confused:

This year in Michigan they are running a pilot program in which the events are at a smaller scale (only about 40 or so teams at each regional) and they are all localized events. Teams in Michigan compete at the local regionals to qualify for the state championship event at EMU during week six of the competitions. We do not crate our robots and are required to transport them ourselves. Because our build season ends today just like everyone else’s our robot must be placed and sealed in the bag, the same as other teams are doing with there crates.


Teams in Michigan are part of a beta program FIRST is trying. It’s called FIRST in Michigan, and we now have 7 district events and a state championship rather than 3 regional events. Teams get to pick 2 district events to compete in for about the same price as a traditional regional.

To save $$$, Michigan teams transport their own robots and keep they locked in a bag so that we are not working on them when we are not supposed to.

District events are only Friday and Saturday, also to save money for teams needed hotel rooms.

sounds like a great idea… Saves wood also…

The only thing i see with this is the possibility of a team being ungracious and possibly finding a way around the zip tie…

Just a thought…

I think that has been a concern on many people’s mind with this system, but it is what it is. Its an honor system just like the fix-it windows were.

thats true…

Also each tie wrap you put on the bag has a distinct serial number. And the numbers must be recorded by a third party individual.


I was wondering if we have a fix-it window for this year’s competitions. I’ve looked through the rules and at a few different websites but I can’t find any information on it. If anyone can help me out with this, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

There is honor within and among many teams. That breaks down to meaning, there is honor among many mentors, students, and team supporters. That breaks down to meaning, there is honor among individuals and, accountability for one’s actions as an individual and as a team is what establishes and maintains the honor. As Joe J. says, it is what it is. The process sounds very well thought out and implemented.

Another question - How did you get the robots in them without ripping the bags? I guess they can be ‘stored’ on their carts?

Just bagged ours at little before the 5pm deadline.

Overall it is a really interesting process. It also feels much better knowing that while in a bag, the bot is in your control. I had been doing the shipping for our bot the last few years and that was a huge pain. Plus the worry that maybe it will get lost or damaged.

Handling is a little interesting. There is a little extra room so that we grab ahold and move it around.

Overall I like it so far.:smiley: