Bag Motor Curve

Hey, does anyone have a motor curve for the bag motor, there isn’t one on the vex site and I don’t know anywhere else that sells them.

Here is a spreadsheet with data for all the motors this year, as compiled by Ken Stafford from WPI and FRC190.

2014 FRC motors.xlsx (87.8 KB)

2014 FRC motors.xlsx (87.8 KB)

Thanks this is perfect, I love game sense by the way, I cant wait for the special one on monday.

Thank’s a lot! Glad to hear you enjoy the show. We should have a new look to show off as well, perhaps with fewer pentagons.

You can find a simple-to-use motor calculator at the bottom of the list of attachments here](

It has built-in specs for all the 2014 FRC-legal motors, and will do all sorts of common motor calculations.