Bagging Rules for District Champs and Worlds

So for district qualifiers, we’re allowed to unbag for six hours the week before compeitions. Does the same apply for District championships and Worlds or are those where we can only unbag at comp?

Per R20-G:

“Teams attending 2-day events may access their ROBOTS using the ROBOT Access

Per R21:

“Teams permitted to use the ROBOT Access Period per R20-G may only un-bag their ROBOT for a
total of six (6) hours during the 7-day period preceding any 2-day event in which their team will be
competing with their ROBOT.
The six hours may be broken up in any way the team wishes, with the exception that no single
access period may be shorter than two (2) hours.
The ROBOT must be re-bagged between sessions which must be documented on the ROBOT
Lock-up Form”

So yeah, you’re only allowed to unbag your robot outside the event before the 2-day district qualifiers, not DCMP or Worlds.

For any other questions about when you can or can’t work on the robot, I invite you to read as much as you can from section 10.4 of the game manual.

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Additionally, from the blue box below R20

Teams attending 2-day events will not have as much time to work on their ROBOTS at events as teams attending traditional 3-day Regional events. Due to this, teams are granted an additional “ROBOT Access Period” to un-bag their ROBOT between the “Stop Build Day” and their 2-day district events. 2-day events for the 2019 season include District Qualifier events for the following areas:

FIRST Chesapeake District (DC, MD, VA)
FIRST Israel District (IS)
FIRST in Michigan District (MI)
FIRST Mid-Atlantic District (DE, NJ, Eastern PA)
FIRST North Carolina District (NC)
FIRST in Texas (TX, NM)
• Indiana FIRST District (IN)
• NE FIRST District (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
• Ontario District (ON)
• Pacific Northwest (AK, OR, WA)
• Peachtree District (GA)

Thanks guys. Just wanted to confirm.

Actually, unbag may apply if your district championship is also a two day event (as it is here in NC District.) That’s the way it’s been handled here in the past. If it’s a longer event, then it won’t apply. It certainly does not apply for Worlds.

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Just looked up your team and I see that you’re in the Mid-Atlantic District. Since your championship is a three day event, you do not get an unbag period before it.

Ah thank you.

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