Balls during Hybrid Mode

Ok so this is my dilema. I was wondering if u could get points if you knocked the other teams ball off the overpass during the hybrid period. I know you can knock your own off but we were wondering about the other teams and if we can knock theirs off.

You can knock theres off if you really want to, but you would be giving them points for it getting knocked off.

no, you can’t get points for it but they will get the points
we don’t remember where that rule is though…

Any balls you push around of the other teams, or knock down from the overpass will earn points for the other team, so i would suggest not doing that. But thats just my opinion :wink:

but it could be good strategy to push it off during autonomous if you hacve a storng robot so to get more qualifying or was it ranking points. Helps in the standings you know.

yea ok
thanks for the info
i guess we won’t knock theres off them lol

G08 & G09 in combination with each other apply in this scenario, and you are right.

Like the first person who posted said your giving them points. They get points if their ball is knocked off no matter who does it. (and Vise versa.) Our team decided that the most effective way to score points in hybrid mode was to knock the ball off the overpass then zoom around the track. Siince you get four points for every line that you pass.