Bandwith limits

Combination of 2 questions, either answer would be helpful.

First question, is there any way to limit the bandwith on the router to simulate competition settings?

Second, when using cameras, the bandwith numbers coming from the labview code labeled “dashboard mjpg” do not seem to be consistent, as running our dashboard with a camera at 10 fps and another at 2 fps with the same settings (other than the fps limits) yielded the same bandwith, of .63 mbps (which hopefully isn’t right). Anyone know why this is broken and how to fix it?

I recommend using this application to measure your bandwidth usage over the one in the dashboard.

When you program the radio with radio tool, it installs a 7mb bandwidth limit and QOS. See attachment. While this won’t exactly match the field due to different implementations, it’s better then nothing.

Two other methods to measure bandwidth are given here: Measuring Bandwidth Usage | Getting Started With the 2014 Control System | 2014 FRC Control System