So for those not at GLR, our BB 1:256 transmissions experienced the typical double-D failure. However, we managed to get the shaft welded to the carrier for GLR and ran okay. For LSR, we’ve hardened some carriers from a pair of 1:16 trannies. (1450F soak, quench in hot brine, 900F temper, I’ll try to get a hardness test soon)
At any rate, part of the solution is also machining the ring gear slightly shorter. Since we’ll have all the guts out of the trannies any ways, I’m planning on cleaning them up and regreasing them, but I have no clue what kind of grease BB has in there. It’s some sort of very light, highly petroleum smelling grease. Does anyone have a good idea on what it is or what I should/could use? 33 gave us some for greasing up the welded carrier, but it looked like it was having deleterious effects on the welded carrier for some reason…
We used general purpose grease, used on wheel bearings and
ball joints in cars. We, in fact, broke in all of our gear boxes
by running them forward and reverse with a light load, and low
voltage, until they sped up. We then pulled them apart for a full
cleaning and regreased them to get all wear products out.
I did notice that the 36mm and 56mm tranmsissions have quite different grease from each other. The little one uses something close to vaseline, the big one uses a sticky grease.
I second the general purpose automotive grease recommendation…