The motor cannot be fixed, the shorting method can keep it running for a little while, but the motor will be weaker and will soon fail again.
BaneBots’ lead time is shorter if you don’t get a gearbox. If you contact them directly about your failed motor, they might be able to ship out a replacement even faster.
I would recommend replacing the motors with BB550s, FPs, or am-0912s. The FP and AM, except the the 0673, more closely match the speed of the 775s, making them better candidates for drop in replacement, with the FP 9013 being the closest in power. The motors on your lift could be replaced with AM or BB if you need the FP on the shooter.
It sounds like you’re using P60 transmissions, am I right? If so, only the block that the motor directly attaches to needs to change. If you have access to a mill, you could redrill mounting holes that have the right spacing, otherwise you could buy a 5xx mounting block or find a local team who is willing to loan or donate one to you.
He was using Price is Right rules. “Closest without going over.”
In all seriousness, I would absolutely contact BaneBots about a possible replacement and avoid self-fixes. Remember that if you open the motor (take off the case) it is no longer competition legal.
Closest in power between the ones that I thought were a good choice based on speed. Going with a FP-0673 or BB550 would more likely need a gearing change.
It depends on how the motors are being controlled. You could make the 0673 “look” like a 775-18 by running it at a lower voltage to get the same torque and speed.