
The programmer for our team has left us high and dry and I don’t know anything about PBASIC or how the controller. From what I’ve been able to read I will need to download my program to different banks on the controller and then how do I do this? Also, How can I toggle between my autonomous programs? Your help will be greatly appreciated.

There are a few options:

Make multiple programs and download them on the run (laptop necessary)

Use switches on oi to create a variable, and goto different subroutines accordingly (make sure that going into auton won’t reset it)

Make switches in robot (treat like sensors)

Combinations of these

And why is this thread called banks?

the program banks, if i understand them correctly are so that you can essentially put multiple programs onto the robot at one time. What most teams seem to be doing is having there driver code in one bank, and the autonomous code in the other bank. The first command in both banks is usually to check the auton_mode variable to determine when it has changed. The benifit of this is to be able to write 2 totally seperate codes, each one with its own set of variables and programing space. The downside is that unless the programs have all the same variables in the same order they wont agree in memory and when you switch the codes, until you update the variables, there information will be useless.
alternatively you can do a subroutine for your autonomous or simply put it inside of an if statement that checks the auton_mode variable.

Read all the documentation on the IFI board. The is a white paper or document on Multi-Bank programming.