I was just setting up a simple script to sync my project files with the ones I have stored at OSC, where I run into this error:
Bash: permission denied
This happens when I run my super-simple script of: (with the working part cut out)
# setup a couple of variables
# call to scp using the variables abover
The part which cause’s the error seems to be the simple interpreter line at the top. If I run bash manually through bash <name of my file>, it works fine. If I try to run it with just ./<name of my file>, I get the permission denied error. If I run it as root (IE, sudo ./<name of my file>), it works fine.
I did check /bin/bash just for giggles and it is executable by all. What could be causing this?
The command chmod is needed, but 777 is always a bad idea, that gives everyone in the system full access to do whatever they want to the file. Not good chmod +x will add execution to its existing privileges, much more desirable.
chmod +x <name_of_file>
For example, if you as root create a file that does something simple, which you shouldn’t do anyway but a lot of people do, and make it chmod’ed 777, any user could edit the file, and run it with root privileges via sudo, very messy.