Battery terminals?

We were about to attach our cables to the battery, and we realized that there are no brackets or terminals to put the cables into other than what’s on the battery. I didn’t see them in the kit, and the inventory is missing a bunch of things anyways.

What should we do about this? Did some sort of terminal come with the kit?

We use something like these and then bolt them to the battery. That keeps them nice and tightly connector and they wount come off.

If you look at <R57>, you will see that there are lugs included:

The APP connector must be attached to the battery with either the copper lugs provided in
the FCI Burndy Bag or appropriate crimp-on lug connectors.

You can see a picture of these terminals on page 16 of the KOP_Checklist_RevB.pdf (KOP Checklist), under ‘Terminal Lugs - 6-16 ga solderless lugs’.

These are different from the previous year’s SLU lugs, but <R57> seems to imply that any appropriate 6 AWG connector can be used. I know that SLU lugs can be found at Home Depot.


Yes those are way to small. I meant just to show the shape of what we were using (i forget the the correct name for them).

Never mind. I found them. They were in a “conspicuous place”.:stuck_out_tongue: