We were about to attach our cables to the battery, and we realized that there are no brackets or terminals to put the cables into other than what’s on the battery. I didn’t see them in the kit, and the inventory is missing a bunch of things anyways.
What should we do about this? Did some sort of terminal come with the kit?
If you look at <R57>, you will see that there are lugs included:
The APP connector must be attached to the battery with either the copper lugs provided in
the FCI Burndy Bag or appropriate crimp-on lug connectors.
You can see a picture of these terminals on page 16 of the KOP_Checklist_RevB.pdf (KOP Checklist), under ‘Terminal Lugs - 6-16 ga solderless lugs’.
These are different from the previous year’s SLU lugs, but <R57> seems to imply that any appropriate 6 AWG connector can be used. I know that SLU lugs can be found at Home Depot.