BattleCry SITREP 1, dtg 10Apr08/1200Z

FYI. The following message has been sent out to all teams registered for BattleCry 9:


Please check the BC site (Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)) for the latest update.

SITREP 1 contains info on:

  1.  Registration procedures (PLEASE let us now immediately if you are on the Active List and can no longer come—we have 18 teams waiting to get in!)
  2.  Game Tweaks!  (can you imagine an Overdrive match with fewer <g-22> calls and more opportunities to score?)
  3.  Awards and Decs.  
  4.  BattleCry STAR (If you are NOT a high school member please be sure that your HS team members see this section!) 
  5.  Robot Photos (If you want to see your robot on the big screen—now 3 times brighter!—send us your photo.)

The BC Staff

Very nice rule changes. That’s definitely how G22 should’ve been written all season. The BC.s will make for an interesting end-game too – it won’t be so dominated by capping robots.

I liek the G22 change…the same is happening at the beantown blitz

I dont know how I feel about the bonus circles…we’ll see how it goes

The Golden Trackball?

The golden trackball will be making an appearance at the beantown blitz this year…this much i can tell you

With the circles, I hope none of the teams going this year have robots smaller than the circle. I know there are a few robots built this year that come close.