BattleCry Update

There is an update for BattleCry. Which can be found at the site. Somethings specified is that 36 teams, that right 36 teams will be at BattleCry III. (That is bigger than 2 regionals) This 36 teams are some of the best and I know this will be a great competition. Another thing that has been added and is real important to concider, is the BattleCry Star. This award honors 1 adult mentor each year. (BC1- Ken Stafford 190, BC2- Dave Kelso 131). Students are very much encouraged to do this. Keep checking the site for any further updates and see you there.

Ralley in the Valley this Saturday :slight_smile:


Quick Question,

With one partner for the finals being chosen, and one being randomly selected, is it still required that the three teams alternate each round of the finals? I think this would make things really interesting.

151: The Wildcards
3rd Place Curie

Given that there is no update to this rule, I’m assuming that is unchanged…

Every year, one partner for each alliance has been randomly selected… I think it’s cool because it adds another element of chance to the game and makes for some creative strategies…

…I’m sure the same thing applies if you get paired with someone who is down for the count legitimately, you can stick with the two teams who are running.

It’s all about keeping it interesting… it’s shaping up to be an awesome competition!


Can you (WPI BattleCry organizers) please change this rule. In the past it was great, but now there are way too many teams and way too many great teams competing in a very coveted Regional atmospheric event. I think with this rule in place we may see some great teams not compete in the elimination rounds due not to their performance but because of randomization (sp).

Just to clear things up (I said it in another post, but just to reclarify)…

For this event, T190 members must choose to be either “team” or “staff” to make sure we have enough people to work for both, but also to help ensure to all the other teams and participants that there is no “unfair advantage” being given… Not that anyone would, especially at these fun off-season comps, but that’s how we run it here… I’m running the team for the event, so I can’t help you with rule changes anymore than you can… I don’t know that Nick has chosen team/staff status yet…

The suggestion I can give you is to ask your team leader to provide feedback to the email they were sent regarding these rule changes. If that is a collective feeling of the team, gather your thoughts and present your suggestions as to why and how the process should be changed.

Your team leader will know the proper channels of contact.

Personally though, I’d suggest you don’t just count out the idea before you think about it. Previously, the random pick occured, without real hesistation, but I think mainly because there were usually only 1-2-3 teams at most left out of the finals… it was the fair way to do it to give everyone a chance… It’s just a summer competition, it’s about having some fun, trying something new… and it isn’t all about winning anyway…

What’s the worse that could happen, you get paired with someone you wouldn’t normally pick and you end up doing really well with them? Or you play against who would have been your second pick and they make an awesome alliance with someone else? I think all the teams at this competition have the skills and abilities such that no one would be hurt by a random pairing…

That’s just my opinion… but I like surprises and on-the-fly strategy… so it may just be me…

And oh yeah, you said “I think with this rule in place we may see some great teams not compete in the elimination rounds due not to their performance but because of randomization”… everyone will compete in the elimation rounds… top 12 seeds will each have 2 partners = 36 teams… Warrior list is capped at 36… Everyone will play in elims :slight_smile:

Tell Moe I say hi… looking forward to playing T88 in Battlecry :wink:

How are you organizing the elimination rounds with twelve teams? Will there be a bye for the top two seeds? Twelve alliances breaks down to six, which breaks down to three, which makes the finals sort of difficult…

The top 4 seeded alliances will get a bye and the other 8 will play as, 5 vs 12, 6 vs 11, 7 vs 10, and 8 vs 9. So everyone will get to play in the elemination rounds. The Noncombatant Service Award will go to one of the teams that are eleminated in the first round.

Wow another surprise cool!!! I like the fact that everyone plays know I don’t care about the randomization. Can’t wait till Battlecry