Battlecry Videos

@ Battlecry they said the videos would all be online. Does anyone know where I can find them?

You can’t find them yet. I have been editing them and should be done editing them today. So as soon as I can get them to the webspace (in the next day or two) you should be able to view them.

awsome thanks!

Hey nick i just wanted to see yet if you got the videos up and if you did could you link to the page?

I have been extremly busy getting ready to take my team to IRI and havn’t had as much time free as I had hoped. I did manage to get the first 51 matches edited down to their 2 minute sections however we can not get them up on the webserver until July 6th because the only guy who can do it is on vacation until then. Once he gets them up will be linking to them from We are giving him the first 51 matches on the 6th and then I will edit the rest of them after I get back from IRI.

Nick thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the battlecry event and to team 190. your efforts really have shown through and welcomed to any team.

Good luck and ill see you next week.

Is it possible just to put a little icon or something next to the first match on Saturday on that webpage. Or if anyone remembers what was the first match on Saturday and let me know via this thread, that would work too. Thanks!

not to be rude or anything… you do realize it has the times of each match and one match to the other goes 21:00 to 8:45 or something like that!?! =P btw the first match of sat was 27 =D

Wow… I feel so dumb right now. I’m sorry, I did not even realize/remember that the times were there. I looked at that page in depth a while ago and just looked at it briefly today.

Thanks for your understanding… lol :o

just wondering about the videos. when will they be on the website or when will it be on there just want to see what happened to some teams like 237 and 222.

So I finally posted the first 51 matches of the competition at hopefully I will get around to editing the rest of them before the end of the week along with the maize craze videos.

Does anyone remember any really good matches to check out?

Try Q2… 237 and 61 in a muscle test. Great match.

There were some intense matches during battlecry. Especially some of the ones with 181 (Birds of Prey).

I’m quite partial to some of 121’s matches though (gee I wonder why… :rolleyes: ). Especially during the semifinals. What you don’t see between the last two matches that 121 was in was us frantically replacing most of our drive train. The clutch failed on one of our drill motors. Oh that was intense. :smiley:


I’ve just got a question, which may or may not be a good one (since this is the only off-season video I’ve seen). What’s the story on the graphics scheme on these videos? I remember FIRST’s graphics looking more cel-shaded and non-shiny and all.

(Note, however, that I like the BC look. That’s a pro look.)

The person who wrote the scoring software for FIRST for this past year went to WPI for college. One of the people who worked with him does graphics work and thus made the graphics you see on the display in these vidoes. BC5@WPI was able to sort of customize the event a lil more with having the person who wrote the software being able to do a little redesign for Battle Cry.

That’s sweetness. I wonder how hard it’d be to make TacOps skinable (skinnable?). It could be useful to make the graphics of regionals more distinct, just like the regionals themselves. (Or it would allow the good folks at the Championship to differentiate fields without having to have a big black-and-white “ARCHIMEDES” smacked across the feed.)

I won’t go into it any more here, though, given that I have entered Tangent Citytm.

Ughh… Streaming video… Great, but not functional as far as archiving goes.

This is the reason I hate the internet.

Anyways, any possibility of a downloadable version of the movies?

That would be spiffy!! :slight_smile:

Just change the mms:// in the link to http://

Q2 is AWSOME!!! where is Q15?!!??! i wanted to see that one!!