
  1. Just reminding everyone that BC2(k1) is this weekend. Registration and practice begins @ 7am in Harrington Auditorium @ WPI w/ opening ceremonies @ 8:50am and matches starting @ 9am.

  2. If any one needs a place to bunk up, I live about 15/20minutes from WPI and you can lodge at my house if need be. You just have to let me know in advance and I’ll make sure it’s kosher and there’s room ([email protected])… I know some people spoke to our team leader about places to stay and stuff.

Thanks-- see everyone there! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :cool:

Quick Question
Last year @ Battle Cry 1

You were asking many teams for small balls, and other supplies. Do you need any other supplies, or stuff to the competition.

I assume that we bring our own

  1. Electrical Splitter
  2. Robot Cart
  3. battery charger
  4. Fan, and other spare parts

Also our you allowing us access to your machine shop near the waterfall?
Like last year

Thanks for reading this

Kyle Fenton
Team 121

I know for a fact there will be machine shop access same as last year at BC

As for the other necessary supplies, I’m not sure. However, I am relatively positive that if they were needed from teams, Ken or Jon would have gotten in touch with the team contacts.

I know we’re getting the 2nd bridge from the gracious folks @ T157 who built a replica field… and that we have some small balls and others are prolly being brought by them as well.

If Jon reads this, I’m sure he can answer the ‘donated supplies’ question more exactly. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kyle Fenton *
**I assume that we bring our own

  1. Electrical Splitter
  2. Robot Cart
  3. battery charger
  4. Fan, and other spare parts

Also our you allowing us access to your machine shop near the waterfall?
Like last year

Thanks for reading this

Kyle Fenton
Team 121 **

The machine shop by the waterfall… that’s funny… anyways, yes, the machine shop will be available as well as the go-cart ambulance service…

As for extra things, nope! don’t need any this time. we’re actually “prepared” (haha)…

I don’t know what an Electrical Splitter is… you’ll need to simplify it for my MIS mind… if you mean power strip, yes. one of those would be handy. We’ll be providing 15amps of power and at least 2 outlets per team.

The fan… it should definitely not be as humid as last year… that was just plain weird… and we’re starting setup today so we’ll be well prepared for the enviroment for saturday.

The machine shop by the waterfall… that’s funny…

What the heck does that mean. I specifically remember some sort of device that shot up water near the machine shop. Ahh whatever.

By the way you never heard of a eletrical spilter. It spilts up the eltricity. You know some boxes come with 3-spiliter, 5 spiliter, 15 spiliter.

Well see you all at BattleCry

We tend to call it the ‘fountain’ as opposed to a ‘waterfall’…

Over at WPI the water goes up and defies gravity millions of times a day.

But yes, it’s over near the water-thingy :smiley: