[BB] Got any plans for Saturday?

Good Morning Teams,

If you’re attending a kickoff, consider bringing a dolly or hand truck with you to make kit of part pick up easier on your back. Also, heads up. While you are picking up the kit this year, you will be asked to open a security tag on one of the plastic totes and confirm the classmate computer is inside. I suggest you bring your own clippers or wire cutters. This process might slow down the line, so please be patient. We want to make sure everyone goes home with everything they need.

The encrypted chapters are now available here http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=452

Did you know planning for the 2010 game started at a meeting of the GDC the afternoon of the 2009 kickoff? It’s true. And while you’re brainstorming robot designs after kickoff this Saturday, the GDC will be discussing the 2011 season. My thanks to all of them for their hard work to create this year’s game. It’s your future.

Did any of you notice that I wore the 2009 Championship Alliance Captain hat during the Kickoff last year?
Oh and there might be a good reason to monitor the FRC landing page of the usfirst.org website today…**

3 days until the 2010 Kickoff
See you there!

Sounds like another hint is on the way…

Great now I’m going to have to monitor the usfirst website all day today! :yikes:

… and so the madness begins.

Like a hint this close to kickoff will do us any good…

Lucky thing we’ve already got a threadprepared.

“I suggest you bring your own clippers or wire cutters”
That is like telling a police officer to bring his gun to work.:slight_smile:

FRC landing page? Lunar landing? FRP is back? Darn. Err wait, no, a landing is a place where a boat docks right? Water game? :smiley:

I kind of like the way things have lined out.

I bet that’s the name of the game.

Also why would he mention the alliance selection hat in this blog post?

Maybe he tries to tell us to pay attention to the kick-off itself, there gonna be a lot of hints there before the actual revealing (it’s every year like that).

I’ve never heard of this hat before. What does it look like?

He would mention that because there is possibly/maybe a change in the alliance structures this year. Remember he said to make sure everyone reads the tournament document, big changes seem to be in place.

I am feeling we will be going to 4 vs 4 or 3 vs 3 vs 3 (or maybe 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2? but I dont see them reducing the total per alliance) I seem to recall a lot of discussion about offering everyone more matches. Easiest way to me seems to have more active robots on the field at once.

Just a thought…

It’s just a baseball cap that says alliance captain and the alliance seed. they only use them at the championship I believe.

I was thinking this may mean a return to the rarely used autoselected alliances based on seeding like in 2001 (1 & 4, 2 & 5, etc). Bill wearing the hat means the he (FIRST) is selecting the alliances.

I hope I’m wrong though.

You know you’re addicted to FIRST when you have a thread devoted to interpreting hints about game hints…

The way you put that makes me think of the Hogwarts Sorting Hat.

Me too.

“Hrm…the GDC…very cunning, I see, and very bright too…must be…SLYTHERIN!”

I’ve never seen or heard of the alliance captain hats before. If they’re just regular baseball hats without special designs for each year, I don’t think that there’s too much to interpret with that, other than the possible clue about changing alliances. He might just be telling us that they’ll once again be dropping hints during the broadcast, and we could pick something up from the hints.

Picture of the Alliance captian hats for those who are interested.


They want people to bring a Dolly??
So… Like a Barbie Dolly?
Kind of weird… not gonna lie.

Oh wait, maybe it is a water game after all. :wink:

I do hope they switch up the alliances this year. I think having 2v2v2 would be fun. I think it would enable the teams to have more strategy planned out, and perhaps even some sidings, like red and green up against blue. It would certainly be more interesting that way.