Beach Bot Battle (Off-Season) Registration

Team Fusion’s annual off season event (Beach Bot Battle) is quickly approaching! Please consider signing up for this fun weekend event! More information on how to register is included in the flyer below. Please dm or email us if you plan on attending! We can’t wait to see you guys for the competition, and the Beach Social we have planned for Friday night! See you then!


Sorry, but I won’t be able to do the event this year. I’ve already committed to both cooking (smoking pork to pull for sandwiches, making homemade barbecue sauce, and probably some of the other sides) and honchoing a church dinner on Friday 9th. I’ll be smoking all night the 8th, so I won’t want to start my Saturday until around noon.

– Gus


Looks longly out my window to the south

Someday us Indiana teams will make it down there for the epic beach social…


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Is this a LA term, or just a Gus thing? Never heard “honcho” used as a verb.

I’ve definitely heard honcho used as a verb multiple times from different directions. Making a gerund may just be a Gus thing.

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Gus has spoken. Long live the Gus!

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Is there a schedule somewhere? we’re planning a team celebration and would like to know if we need to plan around the event.

Are there any plans for this event in 2024?

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I’m not on either 364 nor 2992, but I understand from separate conversations with members of both teams that they are alternating years between Beach Bot Battle in Gulfport and Northshore Knockout in Mandeville. NKO is scheduled for 20 July according to flyers I saw both at regionals and CMP. (Easy to remember the 55th anniversary of the first Lunar Landing.)

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2992 will be hosting Northshore Knockout on Saturday July 20th (Friday load-in) in Mandeville LA. Look for our official launch details on CD “real soon”. We are nailing down a couple of details with our sponsor and facilities.

We have been informed by 364 that last year’s Beach Bot Battle was the last – they have no plans to host again in the future. As a result, Northshore Knockout will be an annual event going forward.

We ARE taking registrations now. Attached is the flyer we handed out at recent Regionals we attended. Cost is $300 per team, $75 for 2nd and beyond robots from a team. Rookies (and pre-rookies) have cost waived.

Northshore Knockout Flier 2024.pdf (587.7 KB)