beach wheel???

anybody got any thoughts on using some of these?

Definitely depends on size. over 8 inches you should be fine, but if its under that, you’re going to need a long running start at the rock wall. :slight_smile:

they are 9 inches tall and 5 inches wide

I believe team 522 used those wheels on their 2010 bot. They seemed pretty grippy but a bit unstable on their tall robot that year.

anybody got pictures of this?

anybody got pictures of this?

Run a grid of them, 5 across, 4 deep, over the ENTIRE bottom of your robot.

Cursory searching yields no pictures, but seems like TBA has a few match videos. In that particular one, seems like a rather bouncy ride. (They’re the ones in blue in the back.)

that was the plan

Looking on the website, each wheel weighs 1.5 lbs. So if you did 5 wide x 4 deep for 20 wheels, that would be 30 lbs, just in wheels. Food for thought. ::rtm::

I don’t really want to contemplate what wheel scrub is going to be like and how turning is going to work on a robot with a grid of those wheels underneath. Why don’t you simplify turning by swerving all 20 wheels?

I remember competing against the FRC522 robot back in 2010, it was pretty bouncy, but maybe that isn’t such a bad thing for 2016.