Beam braken't

We are having issues with our intake beam brake and we havent been able to fix them. It worked yesterday, but currently it doesnt detect when the not enters the intake. It is always on (giving true values), even when we pass the note or any other object between them. The only scenarios where it works is when we explicitly completely cover the receiving end of the beam brake.

We tried removing them from our intake and placing them almost next to each other, bht when passing the note it also doesnt tected the note or the beam braking. We couls even place the beam brake (either one), to completely different places, and it would still give a positive value.

It isnt the inversion in code, as it never changes value when we place them in front of each other

Does anybody have any tips ?



What sensor are you using?

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sounds like wiring? did you check which wire is the signal wire? It may be a case of being wired wrong and now is broken?

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How should it be wired? Just to check

I think this one IR Break Beam Sensors with Premium Wire Header Ends - 3mm LEDs : ID 2167 : $2.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

Are you testing inside or outside?

If outdoors, go back indoors and try again.

It’s weird because yesterday it worked fine. We are using it in our field inside of a tent.

Pretty sure white is for signal, red and black for their respective things

So, there is a very large IR source in the sky (the sun), which could be influencing your results…

We have used ones like these often, sometimes you need to sharpie the area around the receiver black to make them be consistent among different lighting conditions.

We have a piece of black tape around them

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Right now I have them inside of my black jacket and still have the same problem

It seems reasonable that it should work in this ambient lighting.

You said the sensor always reads high? That could just be the pullup resistor, your sensor (reciever side) might be dead or a wire disconnected. If it’s working it is supposed to sink the logic signal to “low” when it receives IR input from the transmitter.

What do you mean by pullup resistor?

From your sensor’s product page

Have you checked that you are reading the right port in code? We had this issue the other day…

Those are 3mm lenses so if I remember correctly they are only rated for a 12ish inch gap between and otherwise they won’t detect probably what’s happening with your intake. you can buy the same kind with bigger lenses to go across a bigger gap i.e. same sensor but 5mm lenses version. We had the same thing happen with our cube shooter last season and this fixed it.

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We already tried in the port of another beam break that is working correctly and same result

Even when next to each other they dont work