Hello everyone,
We got our Pneumatics board all set up tonight but got stumped by the following direction in the pneumatics manual…
We assumed this meant bridge the connectors, but when we tried turning everything on to set ur relief valves, nothing happened.
After becoming frustrated, we left it for tomorrow, but as I read more, I am thinking that we just did not need to bridge the connections.
Is this true?
We are running python, but also can run Java. A solenoid was in the code and the robot was in teleop mode with no errors, just nothing happened (we did not try to actuate the solenoid seeing as there was no real pressure).
~Mr. R^2
As far as I understand you need to bridge connectors on the pneumatic pressure switch. This can be done with a screwdriver pressed to both wire terminals on the switch.
If everything is wired correctly your compressor should start when the code asks it to do so or stop.
Bridging the terminals is used to bypass the switch so compressor keeps going and this is done in order to calibrate the safety pressure relief valve.
At all other times compressor starts when instructed to do so and the pressure is below the cut off pressure in the pressure switch,