In this Behind the Bumpers with FRC 254 The Cheesy Poofs we detail multiple components and iterations of this Hall of Fame team. Additionally we get a full systems check, details of how 254 gets ready for a match and a bonus pit tour!
Pointed out on FRC Discord: Let’s pretend I posted 2 minutes later at 2:54pm pacific. Yeah that’s what I meant to do…
Does anyone have better photos of the wedges on their wheels?
The wheel wedges were primarily to smooth out the shock/vibration/impact when driving over the cable protector to aid the reliability of the 3 piece bump-side autonomous.
The wedge also helped a little bit with the bridge, depending on the speed at which you impacted and its exact tilt. Normally the bumpers would hit first and start to push it down. In the first photo you can also see the custom MK4i lower L-plates made out of steel (weight down low) and with a chamfer (better clearance versus bridge).
The wedges were made on CNC mill. They have clearance holes for bolts that thread either into 3/8" OD standoffs or into the wheel module yokes. The yokes were removed, hole position center-punched using the wedge as a guide, and then tapped. Note that an big clearance hole for the head of the Shoulder Bolt which serves as the wheel deadaxle is not well pictured here but does exist on the side that needs it.
Shoutout to our students Noah and Jaydon for pictured CAD.
We are going to be releasing our Tech Binder and Code very soon, and in that thread we will do more Q&A.
Are the yokes tapped with a through hole? Is there any worry about weakening the yokes at this location with the tapped hole? Thanks!
Yes is a through tapped hole, it hardly weakens the yokes, there’s so much material there. If anything it maybe increases the strength because once the wedges are bolted on, they act like a gusset/web strengthening everything.
Is it me or does 254 look like it is a cat sitting on the robot with its arms holding the robot.