Belt Pulley

Where do you go to get Belt Pulleys? We want Belt Pulleys to attatch directly to wheels, where would you go to order these?

Start at McMaster-Carr. Google for the URL.

gates is giving free belts including chain belts i believe… check your USFirst Email Blasts.


Also if you contact Gates they are more then willing to help you select your belt and might even help you with some design. I emailed Shannon Lynch (she posted in that thread) and she put me in contact with a local representative who is willing to help us out. Plus their stuff is free depending on how much you need. If you need more see if there’s a team who isn’t planning on using their free order who is nearby.

You also may want to take a look at Stock Drive Products:

They have a large variety of belts and pulleys, and they ship reasonably fast as long as they are in stock. Their selection is so large that they actually have belts and pulleys which aren’t offered directly off the Gates website. If you are looking to drive these pulleys directly off of a wheel I’d recommend Gated GT2 or HTD tooth profile with at least a 5mm pitch.
