As usual, amongst our team we had a discussion on whether to go with swerve drive and imitate a turret shooter or go with a traditional turret shooter. At this point Idek if it’s worth the seconds or fractions of seconds of turning the robot and shooting or turning the turret and auto-aiming in with limelight to shoot cargo in this game? What do you think?
Have you built a swerve before?
If no, don’t do it. If yes, consider the benefits carefully.
Have you built a turret before?
If no, don’t do it. If yes, consider the benefits carefully.
You don’t need either to be successful in this game, and most teams would be better without either.
Depends what you’re comfortable with and what resources you have.
For me, given both are equal weight, if my turret malfunctions, I still have a shooter. If my swerve drive malfunctions, I cannot drive.
Do both. It’ll be rad.
For this specific criteria I pose a hypothetical:
Two robots one of them (A) has a swerve drive while (B) has a turret. Both have an intake on the front of their robot. Both have their shooter on the back of their robot. These robots get their last cargo while oriented 90 degrees from the hub. However a defender shows up and they get into a pushing match. Robot A needs to maneuver itself free, then turn towards the hub, activate vision tracking and shoot. Robot B activates vision tracking while pushing and shoots in the pushing match. Which of these take less time?
Now this is specifically in relation to using swerve to replicate what a turret can do, there are other benefits to a swerve drive but if all you want it for is to replicate a turret, well a turret is better at being a turret then a swerve drive is.
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