Best driving performances with swerve

What are some of the best driving performances you’ve seen with swerve? We want to show our drive team these matches so they can learn from these teams.

2767 at IRI in 2019.


Last year match 40 on the Aptiv field at FiMSC the red alliance was a team full of swerve and they ended up getting the highest cargo score all season

Not to take away from the awesome performance in that match but my scouting data for team 70 had them on Mecanum, not swerve


Oh sorry I wasn’t on that field and when I watched the match it looked like they had swerve

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Honestly shows how well 70 was driving that you thought they were on swerve


Pretty much everything from 2910 last year


Honestly, the defense on einstein was insane. The number of shots 4099 was able to force 254 to miss in this match was bonkers.


254 last year in Einstein 2 stands out imo… it’s not the fastest you’ll ever see, but every move they made was for a purpose and they managed to output an insane amount of cargo as well as defend opposing cargo


I’d like to point out that you’re getting a lot of the same suggestions here on top level driving, but just watching the best driving doesn’t tell the whole story.

In my opinion, it’s also important to watch reasonable bad driving to see what to avoid when driving or at least to compare with the other suggestions to find the small differences that make or break the driving in a match.

And what I mean about reasonably bad driving is as follows:

  1. Not broken
  2. Is driving
  3. Mid tier competitiveness
  4. Probably something else I’m forgetting

If you have the time, watch 4499 across all 7 events last year. Pay attention to the following:

  1. Cargo acquisition
  2. Pathing
  3. Decision making speed/commiting
  4. Scoring positions
  5. Zones
  6. Rotational movement
  7. Counter-defensive driving? If this were just cars this would be called defensive driving, but I’m not talking about playing defense, more like avoiding defense.

See if you notice what changes between events. There should be a long list by the last event.

Ps. I loved watching 27 last year
Ps^2. Watching your own driving will be very telling in what needs to improve. In the heat of the moment, you won’t remember what you did in the match.
Ps^3. Playing defense is a whole other thing.


Farmersville robotics consistently drove REALLY well this year

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1323 put on a clinic in 2019 at worlds.


Defense wise, 498 at Chezy Champs in elims. They were stuck like glue to 1690 and 254 in the respective matches.

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Jack was truly happiest when he was denying the other alliance access to half of the scoring positions…

Probably could have cooked an egg on those azimuth motors after that match.

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Seconding this. 498s technical driving mechanics, mid match awareness, and pre match planning put them near(or at) the top of my list of defensive swerve played in 2022. Chezy finals match 2 is the best example imo. Their ability to deny intaking by pushing balls and controlling 254s rotation was amazing. It was a pleasure working with them!


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