That quote got me thinking, and while I would put the Cheesy Poofs as one of the most successful teams in FIRST history, I would also say that teams 71, and 16, and 47 would give them a run for the top.
So, that got me thinking and reminded me about a couple of past things that people put together to rank teams.
The first was a thread that Joe Johnson started with some ideas for ranking teams overall. Then, Aaron Vernon used some of those ideas to create a spreadsheet with data from 1998-2002. You can read about all that in this thread:
I think both of those are immensly interesting, and was wondering if anyone had the time and excel ability to either update those ranking systems, or to create another?
And, in any case, I’d like to get a lively discussion going about the best FIRST teams of all time
My reasoning for picking 16, 47, 71, and 254:
16 - National Chairmans award. Numerous regional victories and awards at the regional and national level
47 - National Chairmans award. Numerous regional victories and awards. The swerve drive
71 - Only team to win Nationals more then once. Numerous regional victories and awards.
254 - multiple regional chairmans. Won every single San Jose regional ever.
though i am a fan of the technocats, 254’s domination of silicon valley puts it at the top. Winning at least one regional every single year since the team’s founding is simply amazing.
Before this turns into a TeamXXX is the best cause i think its cool, lets try to give fact to opinion,
an opinion is a great thing, but there is always a reason for opinions so instead of just saying i like team XXX
tell us why i love reading these threads, it gives me new insights as how to look at teams
my personal favorite teams
103: The Cybersonics Technology Team
Reason: Winning Chairmens award, good mentors, great students, as well as consistant winning robots year in and year out
1089: Team Mercury
Reason: mainly, they are my rookie team, I gained valuble insight in how a team starts and learns its niche. Gave me loads of experience
45: The Technokittens
Reason: The valubale aid they give the FIRST comunitee, Their team is full of great people always willing to lend a hand
25: Raider Robotix (yes i am biased)
Reason: Conistant good robots, most of the adults are great to work with, the kids are willing to learn (just need to be jumpstarted from time to time) and we wear really really bright ugly hawaiian shirts
Team 237 - The best Defensive stratedgy while on the bar this year - Roll back and forth in mid air using the bar as their support
Team 254 - For their solidly designed robot each and every year and to not take every win whether regional or not for granted
Team 522 - for solid design structured robot (Unpushable and Unbreakable Thus far)
Team 233 - Also a solid design and structured robot. (anything that comes from FL is sure to have something on it that looks like a harpoon. Sharking anyone hehe j/k)
Team 47 - its excellence in both Hanging and herding / deploying balls to the HP. Best defense as well.
Team 1346 or was it 1364 any ways for their usage of bike & computer robots to form a beautifully looking robot.
Team 1097 for their quickness in getting to the bar and hanging. (nice tread design almost looks like 522’s 2001 robot
But the best team out there DOES NOT exsist. All of the teams apart of FIRST have the best design b/c it is unique and special all the way. 6 Weeks is not alot of time to build and test for most. But those who can accomplish it are one step closer to whatever their other goals may be. As a FIRST / Team Alumni and a spectator of this sport you all have the best robot. No team is better then the other yeah one team has more victories / awards then the next but that doesn’t change a thing. You all deserve a medal just for the learning experience you have endured. And I sincerely hope that FIRST continues its mission to help the Students of today become the better / mature people for tomorrow.
Psst he doesnt mean the best robots of this year. he isn’t even talking about robots, directly. He wants to know who you think the best team is of all time.
I think that the Technokats and Cheesy Poofs are the two best teams. Both do tons of work in the community, help other FIRST teams immensely, mentor teams, among other outreach efforts, and they always build great bots, theyre awesome competitors, and real nice people. Both teams have the total package.