Best FRC games by category

So there has been some threads talking about which FRC game is the best. While I think it’s impossible to narrow it down to one game. We can say what games were the best at specific things. Before you take the survey watch at least one match if not more of every game just so you get an idea of what other games were like. Put suggestions for other categories down below


New link should work now

can you make the results public once we complete the survey?

Once we get to fifty responses I will, just want to get as much input as possible.

there is a google forms settings that allows anyone that takes the survey to see the results, why not just enable that?

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Oh, I didn’t know that, I’ll look into it.

I think it’s enabled now

So here are the results so far*

Most exciting FRC game:
1: 2014: Arial Assist
2: 2018: Power Up
3: 2013: Ultimate Assent

Most Diverse FRC game
1: 2016: Stronghold
2: 2019: Destination Deep Space
3: t-2015: Recycle Rush and 1992: Maize craze (?)

Game with most even playing field
1: 2019: Destination Deep Space
2: 2017: Steamworks
3: t-2014: Arial Assist and 1992: Maize Craze

Most challenging game
1: 2013: Ultimate Assent
2: 2019: Destination Deep Space
3: 1992: Maize Craze

*These are only the top three of each category

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What we can determine is that games in the last 4 years were the very best games except maize craze which shows the true power of corn and the desperate need for more corn games


I’m from Illinois so I think that’s a great idea :rofl::rofl:

Or the respondents are mostly younger FRC members.


True there is a probably a little bias in these responses, it’s hard to judge a game you weren’t a part of

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I doubt there’s a way to actually do this but if responses were weighted proportional to how many years they’ve seen it could be more informative. i.e. if you’ve only seen this year you get 1 vote, if you’ve been involved for 10 years your choice counts as 5 or 10 votes.

Also maybe a “I don’t know / no opinion” (AKA Maze Craze) option.

It’s possible, I would have to make a lot of changes to the sheet. I’ll also rerelease data once we get over one hundred responses.

Ok more results

Most exciting FRC game:
1: 2014: Arial Assist
2: 2018: Power Up
3: 2001: Diabolical Dynamics

Most Diverse FRC game
1: 2019: Destination Deep Space
2: 2016: Stronghold
3: t-2015: Recycle Rush and 2001 Diabolical Dynamics

Game with most even playing field
1: 2017: Steamworks
2: 2019: Destination Deep Space
3: 2001 Diabolical Dynamics

Most challenging game
1: 2013: Ultimate Assent
2: 2001: Diabolical Dynamics
3: 2015: Recycle Rush

Where did Diabolical Dynamics come from?

You are allowing for multiple submissions. I wonder if a Diabolical Dynamics fanboy is stuffing the ballot box.


The only problem I see with your poll is that the results will be limited to participants time in FRC.
Everyone is limited to their time in FRC.
My time only goes back to 2013.
Regardless, it’s fun to see the results!

Probably, I didn’t think about that

tbh tho, I agree with these results.

Personally for me 2014 was the most exciting game. The lack of an endgame meant that teams were fighting and shooting all the way to the final buzzer.
'19 and '16 were the most diverse games due to the mass number of things to do in those games.
2017 had the one of the fewest #1 alliance win rates, and due to the rotor system, was very easy to upset.
2013 has such challenging game elements, that most super teams didn’t do everything available.

results :ok_hand: in my book

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