Best Hybrid

So, with hybrid/autonomous being clearly much more important this year than in a long time, what are some of the best modes seen so far? Include video if you’ve got it!

  1. 'Nuff said.

At BAE it was 1 ball, 3 lines courtesy of Buzz 175. They did this fairly consistently.

Or 1114.

And since both of them are going to attempt to include collision-avoidance anti-blocking techniques, we haven’t seen the “best” yet. Nor have we seen about 80% of the robots on the field.

1540 was the class of the field at Oregon, and 488 had another impressive hybrid mode. However, 1114’s seemed more impressive than both of those.

right now it seems like laps are the way to get the most points in the 15 sec. but with the emergence of defensive autonomous modes i think that you will see more people going for the ball because a big robot will be parked in the way of your second line. (example semi. 2 at Midwest where 16 shutdown 1024 and 1114 to only 8 points in auton.)

I am curious what the actual scores for these teams were. What were the auto’s in the other parts of the country achieving as a “good score”? any 48?


1540 succesfuly knocked off both balls and crossed three lines several times, and almost always got at least the first ball and line. 488 were very succesful with the first line. 1823 here in Oregon got three or four lines fairly often.

25 was awesome at Jersey crossing three or four lines and getting a ball . Also 2590 had a pretty killer hybrid mode as well.

25’s hybrid was rather scary, I know once they got it working consistently that it won them matches.

My hope here was to get some useful information on how teams are using the remote, sensors, high scores or at least some video. Just saying that team x has a great auton isn’t very informative… please try to backup your opinions :slight_smile: !

Being at the New Jersey regional over the weekend, Team 25, RaiderRobotix had one of the best hybrid modes I’ve seen this season.

In Finals 1-1 they knocked down one ball, ran into another robot and still almost managed to get 4 lines crossed.

In the 100 pt match in NJ, team 25 managed to cross 5 lines and knock down 2 balls for a total of 36 points :ahh:. (Video hopefully to come soon.)

In all of these, 1024 completes 5 lines even though they collided with other robots in autonomous (and it is autonomous, no IR). In the last video, they roll over a sixth (!) line, but I don’t think that counts.

I’ve heard 148 consistently does 4-5 lines as well.

I was at the St. Louis Regional with 148 this past weekend and their hybrid did very well, easily crossing 4 lines. Also team 525’s hybrid consistently did well, knocking off a ball and crossing 2-3 lines.

here is my favorite with 16 blocking 1114 and 1024 from crossing the second line.

Has anyone knocked off both balls?

1540 did this many times at the Portland regional. Hybrid is big this year. 1540 could barely hurdle and they almost went undefeated (lost 1 match in the finals).

Team 58 in the BAE regional Knocked off both balls and crossed at least 3-4 lines. their line crossing skills in hybrid were very good but were blocked several times.

Good show Bomb Squad. I agree, 1114 has a fantastic autonomous. Maybe I’m a little biased, but watching their robot zip around the field is a thing of beauty. :o

I’m sure 1114 will have answers to defensive autonomous just as we will. Who knows? On-the-fly ball color detection and knockoff anyone? :]

Also… I think it’s time RALFF learned how to drive stick on his own… hint hint
