Best off season event for mentor networking...

I am a second year mentor, and wanting to learn about how successful teams run. I am definitely going to T3’s “Mentor Camp” but was considering heading down to IRI to see all the champions at play. Yet I hesitate, because I know most mentors and students are busy and may not have time to talk.

Any suggestions for events in the summer? (I’m an FTC’er as well, and my season starts in September.

IRI is always a solid event to network with amazing teams, but the key to networking in the offseason isn’t which events, but where. You really need to go all over the place to meet everybody. Like… 254 doesn’t do IRI, but a bunch of good Cali teams do Chezy Champs for example.

Your best bet may me to simply network during the season, ask for contact info, and send it during the offseason, such that you’re not totally swamped and neither are they. Plus, you have pretty much the past two decades of FIRST history on Chief to help you, as well as hundreds of mentors who’d help you out in pretty much any way they can.

IRI is a great place to talk to mentors. It’s like a FIRST Robotics family reunion and some will have some time to talk with you. There are significant gaps between matches since IRI is actually bigger than a championship division is now.Give it a shot.

Mentors usually have a lot of down time to chat at off seasons because generally you want to use the off season as a training opportunity where students do absolutely everything robot related. Since you’re from MI, IRI is probably one of the best places you can go to network and check out elite robots and teams.

IRI hands down. I don’t think I’ve ever had as great of a networking experience as I have had at IRI. Awesome mentors all in one convenient location. :slight_smile:

Always step in and ask mentors questions. Everyone at IRI takes time out to talk.

Come on down. Indy is nice in July.

Talking to the legendary teams is definitely helpful, but I think it’s also good to try to establish connections with local teams who you can visit during the build season and compete with during regular season events. I’m not very familiar with Michigan events and teams, but it looks like you’re reasonably close to MARC, which is coming up soon, and I know attracts a decent number of old, experienced teams. Here’s a link to The Blue Alliance’s list of offseason events, which includes a lot in Michigan. Big Bang looks like it’s also near you.

IRI is definitely a good idea. Don’t go way out of your way to go If oh know you might have trouble, but there should definitely be a lot of people willing to talk and show off their team! (I am a student, but from experience I know a lot of people will be there, if not in the pits, in the stands. In addition, there will be some people also coming down to watch!)

Definitely try to get in contact with other people and go onto the websites of teams that you know are successful. That way if you have trouble contacting somebody, you can look at the information some teams provide about their robots and design process. For example, lots of teams publish their final CAD model and teams like 254 publish their design notebook, which is just a paper about their whole build season process.

Though, to get in contact with more FIRSTers, Chief Delphi is definitely the way to go. You just have to be willing to ask questions and go out of your way to talk to people!

I wish you and your team the best this offseason!

It’s great to reach out to others across the country and world, but I think you’d be better off starting with your local area teams. Those are the ones that can provide direct support when you need help. Go to local off-season events, training events, and anything else you see where multiple teams will be gathered together. Once you’ve got the local crowd well covered, then consider looking for a broader base for ideas that you can bring back to your local group. You’re well situated for getting good local help, Michigan has a ton of great teams.

Another good event at Kettering on June 24th is FIRST Mentor Camp with focuses in all four areas of FIRST. I highly suggest going, it is an opportunity to learn and network. Although it is $12 to register.

The Link with more info is below:

Already registered and dragging many other novice mentors along!

I’m registered for Kettering too.I would love to talk with you, although I don’t have much more experience than you. (This is my 4th year) Look for me. I’ll probably wear my team polo. 5090 Torque - Nados would love to chat about all things FRC. :wink:

Navy blue t-shirt, “C” in front, three FTC logos in back.

Fat chica with blue streaks in her hair. :wink: