Best Personal Awards: Users

This is not a thank you thread, this is simply to award CD users for things like good humor, good posts or something like that. :slight_smile: I just think it’s nice to recognize people who’ve contributed well.

Attitude Award: Arefin Bari
Star Mod: (this was an ultra hard one) Katie Reynolds
Emerging Leader: Jess Jank.
Humor to the Extreme: Tom Bottiglieri
Spreading the Love: Dorienne Plait
Best Who Am I pictures: Lisa Perez
Cool Old Person Award: (This was really hard, but after that one blow to my height… :P) Wayne C.
Coolest Series Award: Billfred
Most Concise: Wetzel

That’s all I could think of, I’ll add more later…

Apparently someone is looking to get tossed around some more. :rolleyes:


<333 Genia. I shall protect you! And thanks for the lovely award…I shall cherish it forever. :smiley:

Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:


The “You guys should post your lists so I feel even cooler” Award: Everyone on Chief Delphi

Longest posts with most meaning: Ken Leung
Most posts bashing Dave Lavery: Heidi
Responsible for most of the posts bashing Dave: BillFred

I’ll think of more later :stuck_out_tongue:

Since my mind isn’t functioning too well (finals week), I’ll post the obvious:

The Most Awesome Administrator Award: Brandon Martus. (Hey, it’s easy when there’s only one!)
The Shortest Administrator Award: Brandon Martus. (See above.)
The Most-Fun-To-Toss-Around-At-A-Championship Award: Eugenia Gabrielov
The Most-Fun-To-Spotlight-Horribly-Out-Of-Context Award: Andy Baker
The -infinity Award (for being more creative in their reaction to receiving a score of -infinity in the caption contest): Heidi Foster (who has claimed her award already)
The Most-Loved-Yet-Most-Irritating Poster: Dave Lavery (hey, when every word you say could be a game hint, reading your posts can get irritating, too!)

That’s all I can think of for now.

The most r a n d o m chit-chat thread maker: Eugenia Gabrielov :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hardest username to say really fast (or at all): cdr1122334455

Hardest name to get right : Karthik … :stuck_out_tongue:
Tie Wrap lover : Elgin (he will understand… see my bit up ^^)

haa haa good one for arefin…

hmm he does have a unique attitude that’s for sure… he’s such a pain in the butt :wink: (just teasing of course…)

i definitely agree with most of you guys on these awards…


Most Friendly/Welcoming: Eugenia Gabrielov
Best Advice Giver: Koko Ed
Super Cool: Steve W
Most Likely to make me smile: anon96464947
Super sweet: R.J.
Most likely to recognize someone… even with paint: Dman9385
Best Bday Present Giver: Jay Trzaskos


Best Award: Alex Pelan for the Hardest username to say really fast (or at all) award.
Most Likely Not to Miss a Detail: Joe Johnson
Most Likely to Read your post about a robot then give a response: Sanddrag
Most Likely to have Pen Stolen: JVN

the most beautiful girl: Ashley

Attitude Award: Genia…she got me through hards times with a smile :smiley:
Star Mod: Ricky Q. and DJ Fluck
Emerging Leader: Arefin Bari…scary, yes
Humor to the Extreme: Elise (dubiouselise)
Spreading the Love: Courtney B…sure I may be a bit bias :stuck_out_tongue: :rolleyes:
Best Who Am I pictures: Elgin…I love the pic still! :slight_smile:
Cool Old Person Award: Raul
Coolest Series Award: Billfred
Most Concise: Alan Anderson…he tells it like it is.
Webmaster of the year: Brandon Martus!!! (anyone surprised?)

Most likely to compliment you on your drivetrain/transmission: George Costigan (George56)
Most likely to incure the wrath of the Lavery’s: Tie-Heidi Foster and Billfred Leventis
Best Fantasy Firster: Alex Cormier
Most likely to somehow find you when you least expect it at a competition: Dorienne Plait
Biggest fan of holonomic drives: Henry 222
Hardest name to get right: Karthik

If Arefin’s our leader, I’m scared…

Attitude Award: Ken Leung
Star Mod: John v. Neun
Emerging Leader: Bharat Nain
Humor to the Extreme: Jaine Perotti (BurningQuestion)
Spreading the Love: Neha Batra
Cool Old Person Award: Amanda Morrison :slight_smile:
Coolest Series Award: Billfred
Most Concise: Andy Baker
Webmaster of the year: Brandon Martus
Award to a person who support you all the time: Tiffany Lee
I haven’t been on cd in a while award: Shyra… big… errr

and a VERY Special “I don’t hate you Arefin” Award goes to Beth Sweet, who is a mentor on team 1504… umm wait what? a mentor… that is not only scary but how the heck do those HS kids deal with her whining :slight_smile:

… Thanks for correcting my grammer beth. But I am not as bad as few on the forum.

It’s do dear, and they’ve learned well.

Best attempt at looking cool who just can’t manage to do it: Arefin Bari

(BTW, Arefin and I are just joking for those of you who don’t know. We do this all the time, don’t think we hate each other)

If Amanda is ‘old’, I am beginning to feel like a fossil…

No offense Chris…

I was just talking to Amanda…

Amanda Morrison: aww, you called me old
Amanda Morrison: how cute
Amanda Morrison: hahah
Me: hahaha

…Amanda is old and mommy (proofreads our essays) of FIRST (wait, did I just say she is the mommy).

… Sorry for going offtopic… lets get back to giving awards.