Best Personal Awards: Users

Most Beautiful Hair: Mike Leicht
Looks best with sharpies: Corey Balint

Best(in a good way)Attitude Award: Jess Jankowitsch
Star Mod: Katie Reynolds
Emerging Leader: Arefin Bari
Best sister: nehalita
Humor to the Extreme: Cory(Team 100)
Cool Old Person Award: Amanda Morrison :slight_smile:
Most trusted person to babysit your kids: Elgin Clock
Most talkative person: Paul Kloberg
Person with a lot of links: Rich Kressly
Always willing to help: Al Skierkiewicz
Genius programmers: Mike from 237; Tom from 195.

There are so many more people I should be including…

:ahh: Elgin + Kids = Chaos!!! (Or sometimes, sweet robots :cool: )

Thanks for the compliment :), but Tom’s from 195.

OK, he said it,
Chris Fultz…Oldest Fossil

Gotcha, now I’m ineligible for a few thousand years.

lol…too bad John isn’t a moderator :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I messed up there, changed to 195 :slight_smile: To add to some other great programmers: Mike T Walker and Jamie

The cute little pixie who’s always nice to everyone award: Genia (and honey, I’m not even gonna try the last name)
The genius who finds it tedious to use proper grammar to get his points across award: Tytus Gerrish
The crazy Canadian who reeeeeeally needs singing lessons but can give other mentors some pretty darn good lessons on making a difference as mentors award: Karthik Kanagasabapathy
The guy who’s just bubbling with FIRST pride and feels the need to get it out in any way possible award: Arefin Bari (yeah yeah, I said something nice, remember this moment fin, it’ll be the last ;))
The watch out because this one’s gonna be a superstar in the real near future award: Drew Disbury
The girl who really wants FIRST to be a group of friends not just robot competitors award: Dori Plait
The girl who enjoys making her male teammates wear skirts at competitions (and is awesome in the drive box) award: Lisa Perez
The guy who has the largest Pop-Tart collection (and started an awesome rookie team this year): DJ Fluck

Let me know if I’ve forgotten to give you a “waaaaay too long to be an actual award” award and I’ll think up a good one for you.

Ouch!!! I just found this thread!!!

Well I guess I am OLD but with age comes wisdom (still waiting)

You know it’s easy to go from cool to COLD.

At least I still have young girls thinking about me…

WC :cool:

uh, well here goes nothing.

Best music taste: Jess Jank mommy (it’s b/c she likes The BEATLES guys, you can’t beat that).
Best at making people feel short(more like minuscule)/The ultimate webMASTER: Brandon Martus
Most Inspirational/Stubborn: Arefin Bari
Best pants and best sister: Dorinator Plait
Friendliest/Easiest to vent to/Coolest bro: Bharat Nain
Most likely to be randomly GLOMPed by: Genia Gabrielov
Funnest last name to pronounce (i can say it!): Karthik Kanagasabapathy (can’t do it with the right accent though…darn them brown people)
Most interesting awards on this thread: Beth Sweet

Aww I love you Neha!! :smiley:

Man talk about experience there…Oi vey…xD

Hmmm, your afraid to spell Gabrielov, but you have no fear in typing Kanagasabapathy? Wow… :stuck_out_tongue:

Naw, I learned how to spell Kanagasabapathy when I started talking to him. He called me Ms. Sweet so I sorta had to. I’m learning Genia…

It’s all good.

Think “Gabriel” like, the biblical name.

Then add some OV. Then think electronic love.

You can’t have Gabrielov without eLov.

That’s so bad…