Best Pinning Robots You've Seen so Far

So who were they at your regional? The ones who consistently scored using either with wall or robot pinning tactics.

If possible please provide information on their drivetrain/techniques

At Trenton:

25: Swept in on other trailers and controlled them as they would any other year. Used trailers to manipulate robots into the walls.

2753: Usually seen pinning robots into other robots or near the payload specialist. Very effective unless you have a robot faster than theirs (many don’t)

816: Pinned into corners and unloaded

11: Pinned in place against other bots

103: Able to push TWO robots AND their trailers at a time. Very impressive.

Feel free to add on others. Also note that each of these robots were FAST. Very fast. In most matches they will not unleash their speed, but in eliminations you will see it come out. 25 had the best pinning and aggressive drivers at Trenton.

  1. When their flywheel was working they acted as an extra wall. Definitely one of the better pinners our there.

20 was really good at BAE, if you were caught behind their bot you were in trouble, if you were pinned by them it was over.

At BAE, two bots in particular stuck out to me when it came to pinning, from what I saw.

[EDIT: I guess I misread the OP,which was asking for more of offensive rather than defensive pinning, but these more defensive pinners still deserve shout-outs, IMHO.]

58 managed to effectively shut down BUZZ during a qualifier(and its replay), allowing our alliance to come up strong in the first match and come within a moon rock of victory in the second match. They proved a valuable defensive force in the elims, too, and were a great alliance partner. (along with us and 151-It was a great run, guys.)

2342 was strong defensively and in pinning. After realizing that their human loading system was a tad slow, leaving them vulnerable, a new defensive focus, helped by their solid drive system and steering, turned them into an impressive force.

now for my couple of cents…

From the matches I saw at BAE, defense is much more important this year than I thought it would previously be. If a team can effectively pin or evade a strong robot, that robot is not only rendered generally ineffective but also is an easier target to be scored upon.

Defense is making the difference in more matches than I had previously speculated. I look forward to seeing how this might change in weeks to come as game strategy evolves.

i thought us and 25 were good, also wanted to thank 816 and 75 for being good alliance partners, hope to being paired in the future

1675 ran defense/interference/picks for 111 and 1625 at Midwest.

We run a 4 CIM drivetrain (one on each wheel, for traction control and slip detection).

Our traction control and slip detection weren’t working yet because we couldn’t seem to get a period from our encoders, but our current code (which just provides a constant acceleration to avoid excessive slipping) worked fine all weekend.

I think that Wildstang and Winnovation were very surprised when our 1 CIM drivetrain was pushing theirs.

2022 has a 1 CIM modified swerve.
111 has a 4 CIM swerve with active traction control.

We managed to push Wildstang around for a large portion of the match.

Here’s some footage of both 816 and us pinning each other and 816 pinning a few others. Match 1 is 816 vs. 11. epic EWCP action.

As for what I think the OP’s intent of this thread, pinning and scoring, at MWR, 1114 had that down pat. 1625 was getting pretty good at it too. 71 and 111 had swerve drives and could easily keep up with robots trying to flee. I thought that was so cool how 111 and 71 could just go sideways with the trailers. They didn’t need to pin.

As for defensive pinning, the 8th seed alliance at MWR had that down pat. They held off 71 and 1114, two fantastic scorers. I have a feeling that einstein is going to look like a rugby match with the scrums.

The moving pin or ram was my favorite. Speed is key and pushing power also helps a ton. Robots are going to fly and if your trailer is not sitting on 1 wheel or no wheels most of the match something is wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

Team 1094 completely dominated and outpushed the offensive bots at The greater Kansas City regional. Good alliance partners.

45 was great at DC. They were able to use their fan to slam people up against the wall. Kinda looked like a hockey match.

We were targeted all weekend and were eventually pushed on our front and right side by two robots into the corner. We were able to break the gap and get out, though. It should be interesting to see what bots show up with crazy pushing power on this floor.

[Wisconsin Bias]1675 was very impressive in their last QF match of the day (including the first match, and the replay). They managed to pin 1114 in the corner for the entirety of the first match. Their alliance ended up winning the replay as well.

They were integral to the success of their alliance in the eliminations as well.[/Wisconsin Bias]

I’m going to give props to team 1729 at the BAE regional this weekend. We were big fans of their system.

They seemed to have a slow start to the event, but once theri drivers go the hang of their system they were a real threat to pin any team there. Great job and creative machine 1729!

Big FANS… hah! What a joker. I would agree with Rob, though. 1729 gave us more trouble than anybody else at BAE. Those fans pinned us pretty hard in the corners.

I was also very impressed by this “fan boat” design. Apparently 45 was also pretty successful with this idea.

Team 1742 shockwave allianced with 1561 and 2004. was able to pin and score super cells. which led to a Regional win in OKC. Sockwave 13-2-0 in our home regional

you guys did an awesome job, congrats on your win!

Other Great pushing bots at our regional were…

2376 RoboCOMETS, Their low CG and custom Gearbox gave them great pushing power that helped them hold their opponents next to the Payload specialist.

2354 wheelie bots, The only robot at our competition with fans built in, they were able to push around the competition fairly well.

2372 roboHooters, an 8 wheel drive worked surprisingly well for their team.

And last but not least… 2395 the Ninja Munkees :cool: Our robot’s 6 wheel drive worked really well for us because of the dropped center wheels. When we got into a pushing match, the force of our opponent pushing back on us caused our back wheels to gain more traction. Essentially using our opponents pushing force against them. There were multiple times during our competition, where we pushed several robots from one side of the field to the other.

6WD robots will run a great pushing game in this years competition. Keep that in mind when playing with or against them.

Team 1918