Best Settings for the Camera

Hey guys,

What do you think is the best setting in terms of exposure brightness and stuff for the axis camera so that it detects the retroreflective tape while a bright light is shined upon it?

The default stock settings worked fine for us. A lot of this should depend on your setup and code (threshold…etc).

Why don’t you try and find out yourself? Everyone’s values are going to be different, it takes about 5 minutes with a light and some tape set up to see what makes it show up brightest.

We are using a red LED ring from (AE60-R15, like the one from AndyMark but red), and a Axis M1011 camera.

The normal settings was unusable; the reflection was so bright that it was saturating and looked white.

I think I’ve settled on (50% is default):

Color level: 100%
Brightness : 25%
Sharpness  : 50%
Contrast   : 50%

White balance: Fixed Fluorescent 1
Exposure value: 20%
Exposure control: Automatic

We had the brightness as 10%, which worked great, but couldn’t pick out the target from farther away.

However, you should play with these yourself, It’s pretty easy to tune it live with the web interface for the camera. Look at the sample images from NI (for example, the ones in the Java sample program) for what the image should look like. Mostly black, with a bright target.