What kind of paint (spray preferably) would work best for PVC pipes and fittings? Anyone had any experience with this type?
If yes, please share some pros and cons on using that type, or suggest some alternatives.
We haven’t used that specific paint on our robot before, so I can’t comment on its acceptability. However, since our team color is a lovely shade of oranage, we’ve used regular “Chevy Orange” spray paint from any Automotive parts store. We’ve painted polycarbonate, PVC, metal, wood, and probably a couple fingers with it, and we haven’t had any problems.
After a few competitions, the paint will certainly take a beating, no doubt about that. But, I don’t think you’ll find any plain spray paint that will hold up to our usage.
Good luck,
To add what Ben said, what we used specifically was engine enamel spray paint. This stuff is a little stronger than regular spray paint becuase of what it has to withstand being for an engines. But like what Ben said it great stuff no problems yet, except for those two times people forgot to take the protective plastic off of the lexan. And no it wasn’t me.
Our team has had great results with the Krylon Fusion Paint. Our 2005 Corkscrews were painted with this and saw a lot of action without needing touching up. Our base panels and shipping crate (Plascore fiberglass) were also painted with Fusion. I think we used a different brand for our pit display last year (or maybe just didn’t clean as well) and it shows a lot more wear for what it went through. As with any paint, cleaning the surface first is almost as important as what kind of paint you use.
Unless you want to spend lots of money on special plastic paint, I reccomend buying a set of white primer than using spray paint of your team colors. It ussually cheaper to do this than buy special plastic paint.
Uh… yeah… for the robot. Sure. <shifty eyes> lol
Nah, lol j/k . It’s for a side project. Thanks everyone for all the input!