Best way to collect balls [off the field]?

This thread is started to discuss ideas for getting balls off the floor and into the robot.

Last year at Nationals, the Vex folks had these cool rubber flappy wheels, and they would just pull those small balls right up into the robot. Anyone working on a larger version of that? Maybe brushes like a street sweeper, or arms that come out and sweep side to side (kinda like those nasty gathering 'bots that picked up older robots for the scrap heap, in the animated movie Robots)? After all, we have 60 x 60 to play with once the game’s on…


if possible, find some pictures from 2002 and 2004 games, tons of ideas there

possibly two cylinders with counter wound surgical tubing. they would spin inward

I know I can think of one team that was VERY successful in 2004 with their robot that was basically a vacuum that took up all the balls on the field. I don’t want to give it away because I don’t want to ruin anyone’s ideas.

[quote=SURVIVORfan44]I know I can think of one team that was VERY successful in 2004 with their robot that was basically a vacuum that took up all the balls on the field.

That’s a very good idea, but is it possible to create a strong enough vacuum with the given compressor[/quote]

yeah but isnt there a rule about only 60 psi?

There are many different ways to accomplish this task. I wouldn’t saythat there is one better way than another - we have done it different ways over the years, the main difference this year is the ball itself. In the past the balls were either inflated rubber or soccer type. We haven’t had to collect squishy (is that is a word) type balls.
It can be done mind you, but the dynamics is different from past years.
One good thing is that you probably won’t tip yourself over, getting them into the machine.

Ah, I so wish i was on a team again this year…I have so many good ideas :frowning:

But my idea would be an opening like a woodchipper, with a fabric type roller (similar to 121 from 02) that brings the balls into the center of the bot where they are stored for expulsion!

Two years ago when we had to collect and score those kickballs?..well our team made a roller system to feed the balls into a hopper that was lined with mesh material as to let it expand as it filled up. We ended up doing very well and it was very efficient because we could suck up anything in our path and it rarely ever got jammed. They called us the “Laundry basket” robot, but our rollers were covered with a rubber material to grip the balls and the rollers went in a curved path to lead the balls into the hopper and the rollers also spun the other direction as to let the balls go back out the same way to score in the side goals.


Is this what you are referring to? so how did that work. I never saw it.

Yes, exactly…
It was basically just that “no-stick” fabric that you use in your cupboards, they sewed it together into two big loops, and ran the system via a FP motor at a fairly good clip that fed into their collector, it was fantastic

I hope you meant “no-slip”.

haha, yes…yes non-slip fabric

That was my idea exactly. Even down to the non slip cupboard fabric. I guess I’m not very innovative =). Too bad those skirts won’t let you climb up the platform this year. Im sure you need wheels at the corners or slants on the front and back in order to score those 10 or 15 points for your alliance.

How about a belt along the bottom of the robot, as the center of the robot gets ‘stuck’ on the top edge of the ramp, just power up the belt and !zoom!.

Thanks for the details - we were a rookie team last year, and so never got to see any of the ball pickerupper mechanisms developed.

The big blue belt at the leading edge of the robot is obviously intended to move balls upward - does the ‘belt’ closest to the center of the robot move too, or is it stationary. (It doesn’t look like a loop). Also, what’s the purpose of that white roller-like thingie at the middle of the belt - tension? or something else, too? And, just for clarity, where the belt hits the white roller, the belt is moving upward, right?


Both belts were driven so the balls were sucked up. We used two FP’s to drive each belt. The piece of pvc that runs the width was used as a tensioner to help squeeze the belts together and maintain contact with the balls. Feel free to ask any more questions at any time.


what do u think and why either wheels, tracks,ect. ect. and getting it up to the loader this should be intereting because many people think creatively and it is nice to see creativity even though ur team might not be using it on their robot what do u think

also another question “should u use a hopper of some sort also or not what other ways would u do to carry them or increase ur capacity”

and how to load them efficiently?

For ball collection:

I’ve really been stuck on using vertically mounted belts to grab the balls off the ground and drop them off in a hopper. wheels with poles(or whatever you call them) protruding could probably work as well. I don’t know how many people of thought of this, but a big shovel could also double as a ball collector and storage. It may even be able to drop balls off as well.

I believe that being able to score in the centre goal will give alliances the edge needed to win. Because of this, I was thinking of incorporating the ball storage with the mechanism that feeds the ball firing device.

yes but feeding vertically also is feeding against gravity and it could slip on the balls surface. going up and cause some problems

look at bots from 2002 and 2004, tons of good ideas