BETA 2015?

I remember last year, this was the time for application for beta testing, and i dont recall anything about it this year.

Does anyone know if the applications are open yet? or when will they be?


This is the link to the beta testing application:

This is from the flyer that was handed out at the Championship.

Will this be the week the Beta test teams will be announced? Comments on the FRC blog indicate we should know by the end of June, with testing to start in July. Anxious for everyone to get started and report back their findings. Good luck to everyone hoping to be on the list.

Per the NI FRC community today, the list will be released early next week.

Got an e-mail today informing us that we were not selected for the Beta test group.

Should see the list of who did make the cut soon.

same here.

We’re in for C++… 4 years in a row.

NEW roboRIO hardware should be in our shop sometime in August… expect authorized/allowed CD postings from James Killian.

–Michael Blake

1540’s in for Java - we’re excited and ready!

I didn’t receive an e-mail at all…

We didn’t make it either.

The TechnoKats are selected as a 2015 beta team! I’m almost overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response I got from the students when I told them.

The email does not specify a language. Our application emphasized our experience with LabVIEW, so I’m expecting that’s what we will be using.

4901 got in for Java I believe. The email didn’t specify language. Exciting times are soon to be had.

Didn’t get in.

Looks like 11 will be Beta Testing.

Saw 1114 post as well.

148 also posted that they were selected.

We’re in too. A little surprised, but still very eager to test some new kit!

3316 D-Bug from Israel will also be participating in the Beta test!

359 also selected for Beta Testing.

Is there an official list posted somewhere?

TORC was selected too!
No language was given, but we said we could do C++ and Labview.
I also stated that we are not what you would call strong in either programming language, but we could give vital feedback on documentation and implementation from a rookie, tier 2 caliber team perspective.

We also had a good response from the team on the news!