The question is: Does building a beta bot make sense every season even for top teams?
It seems beta bots are an integration test where you build a full robot. Or some think of it as a comp bot you build fast. Or even a more detailed Alpha bot to tide you over while the comp bot is getting made. If your beta bot’s a comp bot, is it too fast, is it provoking missteps? And if it’s an integration test, would smaller integration tests be better?
Similar to how you wouldn’t build an elevator as a prototype especially when you know how to build an elevator, does it make more sense to instead spend beta bot build time to do smaller integration tests of only the things you’re uncertain of/would have too much trouble fixing if it didn’t work well? Then after you’ve learned more and have higher confidence iterate on a comp bot.
Beta bots can suck your very experienced students into CADing and manufacturing a robot during time that could be spent running tests considering if you’re building the right thing. Often times pushing towards a fast beta bot means you didn’t consider details well enough so you’re just going to build many parts again, but slightly better (a manufacturing inefficiency), or scrap the design (a design and manufacturing inefficiency even if you did learn something, it could have probably been learned more efficiently).
I’m looking for thoughts on what a beta bot is to you and what you think a good way of thinking about it is - or any thoughts at all. How does the team and/or game affect whether you think it’s worth it to build a beta bot. For example, this year was it worth building a beta bot for your team? How do you know? Is there a year you are the most certain a beta bot was/would have been worth it?
More ramblings and thoughts
Part of this is coming from lots of rebuilds this past season. We saw a lot of high quality work from top and up and coming teams, but maybe not as much awe inspiring work. Is this a result of the games, I don’t think so.
If you do indeed see very large benefits from having a robot around during the beta bot period, should teams just be building simpler for the beta bot and leave spots for tacking other systems on later?
Alpha bots have seemed very useful. Generally I think week 1, anything you can build and know you are definitely making forward progress is a big win (drivebase, alphabot for programming/possibly driveteam, master sketches, prototypes…).
However, we’ve tried building a beta bot under good circumstances in 2020, and with a not as experienced team in 2024. In 2020, we didn’t learn as much as I would have hoped for one reason or another, and in 2024 we didn’t complete a beta bot well enough for it to be useful.
Purely using this as a conceptual example:
Because 1678 in my mind is tied to the beta bot concept, I can’t help but thinking of their main successes. Einstein 10 times running (seems like their expertise and ability to move quickly helps a lot here), and I think 1678’s main brilliancy, going for 5 stacks and focusing on can grabbers in 2015. The natural inclination is to attribute the 10 Einstein appearances to beta bot like concepts, and the 1 champs win, to a deep understanding of the game.
The question is,
- would it help for top teams to spend more time looking for brilliancies in design (I’m thinking 254 2018, 1114 in 2008, etc…) and
- If they were to take more time, even if just a little, looking for brilliancies considering mastersketches/crayon CAD/prototyping would this actually help or just negatively impact early season performance?
Have we tipped too far in the direction of move fast? Or do the learnings on finishing earlier, and testing with an actual robot provide more value than using smaller scale tests and thinking more, but more slowly.
If the ability of your team is lower, is the answer build a simpler robot and finish early allowing for iteration and practice, or does this have the potential to lead to missteps too often and you should instead build a simpler robot with more smaller scale testing, but less robot time.